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Women’s Everyday Problems That Perfectly Sum Up Life As A 21st Century Woman


"Romanian-Canadian artist and lazy fairy." This is how Cassandra Calin describes herself and it's kinda fitting. The well-known cartoonist, illustrator, and graphic designer is based in Montreal, Canada. She talks about her everyday life, personal experiences, and first world problems in witty and fun comics that many people from around the world relate to.


The artist's cartoons are hand-drawn using Pigma Micron Pens (005 and 01) and a Sharpie permanent marker with Chisel Tip. Each comic can take anywhere from 2 to 4 hours to create, depending on how detailed it is.

这位艺术家的漫画是用Pigma微米笔(005和01)和一个有凿尖的记号笔(Sharpie permanent marker)手绘的。根据漫画的细节,每幅漫画的制作时间在2到4个小时之间。

Take a look at some of her newest comics below and make sure to follow the artist if you liked her work! Be sure to upvote your fave comics and share with your friends if you know they love cartoons and good humor. And also check out Bored Panda’s previous articles about Cassandra here, here, and here. 看看她最新的漫画吧,如果你喜欢她的作品,一定要关注她!一定要给你最喜欢的漫画投票,如果你知道你的朋友喜欢卡通和幽默,请与他们分享。也可以看看Bored Panda之前关于Cassandra的文章。











More info: CassandraCalin.com | Facebook | Instagram | Tumblr | Society6

图片来源:Cassandra Calin


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