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原版英语对话1000个:1044 Japanese Life



Todd: OK. I'm back here with Kanade.
Kanade: Yes.
Todd: So, Kanade, why don't you talk about where you're from!
Kanade: OK. I'm from Akita, which is Northern Japan. And there is a lot of mountains and you can see changing color in the fall and in my home Yashima town, there are only six thousand people in there and there is a waterfall called "Hotonedake", which is the best one hundred fall in Japan.
Todd: Wow! That's cool.
Kanade: Yeah, Cool!
Todd: So you've seen it.
Kanade: Yes!
Todd: So how high is this amazing waterfall?
Kanade: Uh, I don't really know. It's really big.
Todd:Really. So is it famous because it's really tall or cause it's really wide?
Kanade:Could be both.
Todd: Oh, really, that's a big waterfall. OK. When is the last time you went home?
Kanade: Last week.
Todd: Uh-huh. Really! Both you're parents still live there?
Kanade: Yes.
Todd: OK. And were your parents born there?
Kanade: Yes, but different town. My father is from Yashima, same hometown, same home as my home, but my mom is from Nigaho, next town from Yashima.
Todd: Oh, OK. Do you have a lot of childhood memories.
Kanade: Yes, uh, actually but my dad was really busy, so my mom took me, took me many, many places...as a child.
Todd: Oh, that's sweet. Well, you're a good daughter.
I think, I think so. Yeah!
Kanade: OK. Thanks a lot.

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