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原版英语对话1000个:1045 Great State



Todd: OK. Hey, hello!
Tim: Hey, how's it going?
Todd: Doing pretty good. Could you introduce yourself please?
Tim: Yeah, I'm Tim Peterson. I'm from Oregon in the United States.
Todd: Oh, nice. You're from Oregon.
Tim: Yeah.
Todd: OK, and were you born there?
Tim: Yes, I was born there.
Todd: Oh, really, did you ever live in any other states or..?
Tim: Uh, I lived in Wyoming for a really short time.
Todd: Oh, really.
Tim: And, I've lived in California for a short time too.
Todd: OK. Of those three states, which one is the best?
Tim: Oregon.
Todd: Really? Why?
Tim: It's got lots of nature. It's really beautiful, I think. In the United States probably Oregon and Washington state are the most beautiful.
Todd: Oh, OK.
Tim: Lots, lots of green stuff and the lots of nature. Good mountains, good streams good water.
Todd: Wow! Well, what about Wyoming?
Tim: Wyoming is nice but it is really dry. And it's really sort of dark.
Todd: Oh. OK. Wow, so when you grow old and retire someday, you're a very guy, but when you grow old, would you like to live in Oregon?
Tim: Ah, Oregon or Washington. Maybe Alaska.
Todd: Yeah! Not California?
Tim: No!
Todd: Man, the Golden State.
Tim: Yeah, too many people.
Todd: Alright, Yeah! Ok. Thanks a lot.

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