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原版英语对话1000个:1046 The Web Site



Todd: OK, Jeff, you have your own website.
Jeff: Yes, I do.
Todd: OK.
Jeff: Very nice site!
Todd: OK, can you just talk about your website?
Jeff: Yes, the address, I'll give you my address first.
Todd: OK.
Jeff: So, you can have a look at it.
Todd: OK.
Jeff: www.eagarbros.com, E-A-G-A-R-B-R-O-S dot C-O-M and it's eagerbros.com because my last name is Eagar, Jeff Eagar, and "Bros" is short for brothers, and I have three brothers, but I have two brothers that I travel with, travel, travel around, around the world, different countries, and so it's sort of, it's sort of like a video diary of some of the things we've seen and done on our travels, with people and places, yeah, it's interesting, it's interesting. It's got video, stories, and audio and, and it's all about people and poverty and wealth, and their serility..of the world. It's pretty good. It's pretty interesting I think.
Todd: Wow! Thanks.

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