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原版英语对话1000个:1048 The Cold



Todd: OK. Hello!
Conrad: Hi, Todd.
Todd: How are you doing?
Conrad: Oh, not too good. I've got a little bit of a cold I think.
Todd: Oh, man. That's not..that's not good.
Conrad: Yeah.
Todd: How long have you had the cold?
Conrad: I think just, uh, starting a couple nights ago.
Todd: Oh, really.
Conrad: Yeah
Todd: Oh, man. What are you doing for it?
Conrad: Oh, just trying to take it easy, right now, I'm just, um, resting.
Todd: Uh-huh.
Conrad: Yeah!
Todd: Do you eat anything special when you get sick?
Conrad: Sometimes. Uh, let's see. What do I eat? Sometimes I eat umeboshi.
Todd: Umeboshi!
Conrad: Yeah.
Todd: Really! What's umeboshi?
Conrad: That's that Japanese kind of of a pickled sour plum. You eat it with rice. So it's a red color.
Todd: Yeah, it comes in the onigiri sometimes.
Conrad: Yeah, that's right.
Todd: Wow. OK. Um, well what are your symptoms?
Conrad: Oh, let's see a little bit of sore throat a cough, and basically just feeling tired.
Todd: Well, that's terrible. I'm sorry. I hope you feel better.
Conrad: Well, thanks Todd.

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