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原版英语对话1000个:1049 Nature



Todd: OK. Hello, Kevin!
Kevin: Hi, Todd. How are you?
Todd: Doing pretty good.
Kevin: Good
Todd: Kevin we're gonna talk about nature.
Kevin: OK.
Todd: First of all could you tell the listener where we are?
Kevin: Well, let's see. We are on, kind of on the side of a hill in the forest but we have a spectacular view of Mt. Fuji on the other side of the valley. Yeah. It's really nice here.
Todd: Yeah, it is. Um, why are you in this forest right now?
Kevin: Well, I'm, I'm currently working and I'm teaching an intensive Enlgish course up here at the, the campus, up here in the forest.
Todd: Oh, nice. Do you take any walks in the woods?
Kevin: Yes, I , I enjoy taking walks in the woods, and sometimes I even go for a jog in the woods, there are a few trails around here and there's a nice, a nice golf course as well that you can run around.
Todd: OK, great! What's the best thing about the, being in nature? in the forest?
Kevin: Well, for me it's, uh, the, the, stress relief that it provides, uh, especially living in, in Tokyo, which is of course one of the world's largest and most chaotic cities. It's also nice to get back out into nature sometimes and just hear the insects, which obviously we can hear very clearly right now, as well as some birds, and you know it's just nice to get back out into nature.
Todd: I agree. OK. Thanks a lot Kevin.
Kevin: You're welcome.

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