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地道美语听力播客:Getting In-Flight Service



I pushed the call button to get the attention of the flight attendant .
Flight attendant: Yes? What can I do for you?
Hal: It’s very cold in the cabin . Is it possible to get a blanket ?
Flight attendant: We’re out of blankets, but here’s a pillow .
Hal: Okay, thanks. I was asleep during the meal service . Could I get a meal?
Flight attendant: We don’t have any more of the Baked Chicken. We only have the Bean Salad left.
Hal: Oh, okay, I’ll take that. Could I also get a drink?
Flight attendant: What would you like?
Hal: What do you have?
Flight attendant: The complimentary drinks are listed in our in-flight magazine . Beer, wine, and other cocktails are $4.
Hal: I’ll have a diet soda.
Flight attendant: We’re out of diet soda.
Hal: How about just some water? What’s that?
Flight attendant: That’s turbulence . Make sure your seatbelt is fastened .
Hal: Could I get an airsickness bag , please?
Flight attendant: I’m sorry, but we’re out of those, too.

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