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What are some life-saving health tricks and hacks?有哪些足可救命的健康小窍门?


获得229.9k好评的回答@Dave Consiglio:

1.Don’t smoke. Take a tube full of carcinogens, light it on fire, and breathe the charred remains. Yikes. Just don’t.1.不要吸烟。拿起一支塞满致癌物的烟卷,点上火,吸入烧焦的残留物。唉,快别吸了!2.The more the food looks like it did when it started, the more of it you should have in your diet. An apple on a tree looks exactly like an apple in the store. You should eat apples. A steak looks quite similar to a butchered cow. You can eat some of that. Doritos look nothing like corn. You should eat none of them.2.看起来越接近原材料的食物越应该吃。树上结的苹果和商店里的苹果一模一样,就应该吃。牛排看起来跟被屠宰的牛差不多,也可以吃一些。立体脆(百事的一款零食)和玉米一点儿都不像,就一点儿都不该吃。3.Exercise is important, but you don’t have to be crazy with it. I’ve seen lots of really old healthy people who didn’t go to the gym 5 days a week. But they did walk, bike, play golf, swim, and generally keep moving fairly regularly. I have also spent a lot of time with people who never did any exercise at all. The end of their lives was far less pleasant.3.锻炼很重要,但也要适量。我认识很多真的很健康的老人,他们并没有一周去五天健身房,但他们的确会散步、骑车、打高尔夫、游泳,锻炼非常有规律。我也深入接触过从不锻炼的人,他们晚年生活质量就差很多。4.Keep your weight down, but don’t add stress to your life over it. Carrying 100 extra pounds will statistically shorten your life and make you far more likely to suffer from diabetes, heart disease, cancer. Carrying 10 extra pounds might slightly increase your risk. Carrying 0 extra pounds is best. If losing those 10 extra pounds is going to cause you major stress, though, it’s not worth losing them. Stress is no good for you.4.要减肥,但不要因此给生活太大压力。据统计,超重100磅会缩短寿命,提高患糖尿病、心脏病、癌症的风险。超重10磅会有轻微患病风险,一点儿不超重最好。然而如果减掉超重的10磅会给你带来很大压力,那就不值得去做了。压力对你没有好处。5.Speaking of stress, try to reduce it. This one is hardest for me — I’m high strung, work full time, have a wife, 2 kids, 2 dogs, 2 cars, and a house. It’s not always easy to destress. But you can do it. Try meditating, yoga, hiking, singing, whatever works for you.5.说到压力,应尽量减轻。这对我来说是最难的——我很敏感,有全职工作,有妻子、2个孩子、2条狗、2辆车和一栋房子。减压没那么容易,但你也能做得到。试试冥想、瑜伽、徒步、唱歌,无论什么只要有效就行。6.Find somebody to love. Statistics don’t lie on this one — married people live a fair bit longer and tend to be healthier.6.找个人去爱。在这一点上统计数字不说谎——已婚人士寿命会更长一点,而且更健康。7.Analyze everything you do, but in a low-key way. Little changes can make a huge difference. One silly example: I used to have to turn on the light in the morning to get underwear and socks out of my drawers to get dressed. I don’t like getting them out the night before, though, because I’m weird about stuff just sitting around. Turning on the light bothered my wife, who works later than I do and so is sleeping when I’m getting ready. Tiny annoyance. Solution? All black socks in one drawer, khaki in another. Now I can pick out socks in the dark. Took me 15 years to figure that one out, but it makes me a little happier. And so it was totally worth it.7.分析你所做的一切,但要适度。小改变会有大影响。举个傻傻的例子:我过去早上常要开灯从抽屉里找内衣袜子穿,我不愿意前一天晚上找出来,因为身边有东西我会不舒服。开灯又会打扰到我妻子,她比我工作得晚,所以我起床穿衣服时她还在睡觉。她有点不高兴,怎么办呢?我把所有黑色袜子放一个抽屉,卡其色放另一个抽屉,现在我能摸黑找袜子了。15年才弄明白这一件事,但它使我更开心了,所以绝对值得。





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