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英语听书《白鲸记》 第300期




"I say, Queequeg! why don't you speak? It's I-Ishmael." But all remained still as before. I began togrow alarmed. I had allowed him such abundanttime; I thought he might have had an apoplectic fit.I looked through the key-hole; but the door openinginto an odd corner of the room, the key-hole prospectwas but a crooked and sinister one. I could only seepart of the foot-board of the bed and a line of thewall, but nothing more. I was surprised to beholdresting against the wall the wooden shaft ofQueequeg's harpoon, which the landlady the eveningprevious had taken from him, before our mounting to the chamber. That's strange, thought I;but at any rate, since the harpoon stands yonder, and he seldom or never goes abroad withoutit, therefore he must be inside here, and no possible mistake.


"Queequeg!-Queequeg!"-all still. Something must have happened. Apoplexy! I tried to burstopen the door; but it stubbornly resisted. Running down stairs, I quickly stated my suspicionsto the first person I met-the chamber-maid. "La! la!" she cried, "I thought something must bethe matter. I went to make the bed after breakfast, and the door was locked; and not a mouseto be heard; and it's been just so silent ever since. But I thought, may be, you had both goneoff and locked your baggage in for safe keeping. La! La, ma'am!-Mistress! murder! Mrs. Hussey!apoplexy!"-and with these cries she ran towards the kitchen, I following.


Mrs. Hussey soon appeared, with a mustard-pot in one hand and a vinegar-cruet in the other,having just broken away from the occupation of attending to the castors, and scolding herlittle black boy meantime.



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