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[听力每日练习]听力每日练习 listen 4930 I'm really sorry about missing your concert

1--You didn't show up to my perfo...04-24

[听力每日练习]听力每日练习 listen 4929 He's just a little lonely

1--Nathan said he didn't have any...04-24

[听力每日练习]听力每日练习 listen 4928 That's my pet lizard

1--Aaahh! What is that thing on your...04-24

[听力每日练习]听力每日练习 listen 4927 The highest grade in the class

1--Well, if it isn't the teacher&#...04-24

[听力每日练习]听力每日练习 listen 4926 Can I have a pet


[听力每日练习]听力每日练习 listen 4925 Are there pets allowed in this apartment

1--Are there pets allowed in this apa...04-24

[听力每日练习]听力每日练习 listen 4924 Can you read this first line for me

1--Can you read this first line for ...04-24