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1. Get News from Al Jazeera收看阿拉伯世界半岛电视台的新闻Don’t shut yourself out from new ideas. A 2009 study... [查看全文]


1. Nose-to-nose greetings between cats are unusual, as it puts both in a vulnerable position. However, cats who ... [查看全文]


1.You never know how strong you really are until being strong is the only choice you have.不到没有退路之时,你永远... [查看全文]


  1.Stop trying to hold onto the past.  不要执迷过往。  You can't start the next chapter of your life if... [查看全文]


TOKYO — When you speak to foreign Englisheducators in Japan, one thing becomes crystal clear:English education in... [查看全文]


The more Japan's global relevance in economic,political and military terms seems to decline, themore it cares ... [查看全文]

2015-02-28阅读的10大好处 每天都抽空去读点书吧

When was the last time you read a book, or asubstantial magazine article? Do your daily readinghabits center aro... [查看全文]

2015-02-28屌丝生存状况报告 月薪三千用安卓

On October 29th, Peking University’s Center forMarket and Media Studies released a report on thelife of diao... [查看全文]


Father forces 10-year-old daughter to wear acartoon backpack and shirt announcing her ageafter catching her pretend... [查看全文]


If you have ever travelled to the US and Egypt andforgotten to tip the hotel staff, the chances are youexperien... [查看全文]