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Im not the worlds biggest Nicole Richie fan. So its with great excitement that I report (exclusively!) that the sometime-actress will repriseher role as Sarahs high school nemesisthis fall! 妮可里奇这姑娘虽说不是我的菜,但她总 [查看全文]


LOS ANGELES - Deals for an Avatar sequel -- or two -- are being worked on. First though, creator James Cameron told MTV that he is focused on finishing his Avatar novel before getting started on a sequel. Cameron hinted that the final two p [查看全文]


PARIS The Material Girl is illuminating the City of Light, where she's shooting her latest film, W.E. Dressed all in black and heavily accessorized in dark shades, a hat and a patterned scarf, Madonna directed Saturday's shoot in Paris' ton [查看全文]


Walt Disney Co has sold film studio Miramax for more than $660 million to Filmyard Holdings LLC, ending months of talks between the media group and various bidders. Construction magnate Ron Tutor, investment firm Colony Capital LLC and othe [查看全文]


在澳大利亚悉尼,人们用牛奶和咖啡装满5200个杯子,然后用杯子拼出世界上最大的好莱坞经典女星玛丽莲梦露的图像。 资料图:玛丽莲梦露经典形象杯中再现。 A team of 12 people filled 5, [查看全文]


PARIS France's first lady, a former supermodel turned singer, is making her debut as an actress, filming Wednesday in the shadow of Notre Dame cathedral for Woody Allen's Midnight in Paris. Carla Bruni-Sarkozy jotted in a notebook while sea [查看全文]


10. Twister There are going to be people who scoff at my choice of Twister but this is one of those movies that when it's on cable, I always end up watching. Not the best acting ever in a film, but the tornado action is pretty darn fun. 也许 [查看全文]

2010-07-26朱莉《特工绍特》亮相莫斯科 深V红裙性感登场

Even though Angelina Jolie plays a suspected Russian sleeper agent in her latest movie, in real life she thinks U.S.-Russian relations are going well. Jolie was in Moscow for the Russian premiere of the movie Salt on Sunday, just a few week [查看全文]


After three weeks at No. 2, Toy Story 3 reclaimed the top spot at the foreign box office during the weekend, drawing $62 million. The Pixar cartoon has earned $351 million from 43 markets. Driving the weekend action were record openings in [查看全文]


Robert Pattinson, Christoph Waltz, and Reese Witherspoon got all dressed up to film a few scenes from their latest flickWater for Elephants on Friday in L.A. 周五在好莱坞《大象的眼泪》片场,罗伯特帕丁森与克里斯托弗 [查看全文]