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[听力每日练习]听力每日练习 listen 4960 How do you put this seat back

1--How do you put this seat back? I...04-27

[听力每日练习]听力每日练习 listen 4959 Can you dress the twins

1--Mark, can you dress the twins for...04-27

[听力每日练习]听力每日练习 listen 4958 Why did you buy that painting

1--Why did you buy that painting?2--I...04-27

[听力每日练习]听力每日练习 listen 4957 That is the most beautiful sunset

1--That is the most beautiful sunset!2...04-27

[听力每日练习]听力每日练习 listen 4956 Let's get this card for mom

1--Let's get this card for mom, i...04-27

[听力每日练习]听力每日练习 listen 4955 Can I talk to you about something


[听力每日练习]听力每日练习 listen 4954 What do you think o that first interviewee
