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The President has made the decision not to release any of the photographs of the photographs... [查看全文]


The FBI, Missouri Highway Patrol, the Louisiana Police Department, the St. Louis County Police... [查看全文]


U.S. national debt has hit a new milestone, and it's not a good one.The government now ... [查看全文]


Hi there. Thanks for joining us.嗨,各位好。感谢收看我们的节目。I'm Virginia Cha at the CNN center in Atlanta wit... [查看全文]


听力原文Right now defense Secretary Robert Gates on capitol hill discussing lifting the ban on gay serving in the... [查看全文]

2012-09-04CNN news:学生在博物馆割画惹争议

I enjoyed my work at USDA.As most of you know, I didn't work in government prior to ab... [查看全文]

2012-09-03CNN news:共和党17岁代表被寄予厚望 希望在坦帕大会中找寻解决办法

First up, we are talking about the first full day of the Republican National convention in ... [查看全文]