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The crisis happening now just like in Mengphis.危机现在发生在孟菲斯。It dropped like that it takes a long long tim... [查看全文]


Defended the wall the smoking gun.对于它的防范有很多烟雾弹。This may be it.而这可能就是它的原貌。More worrying evidence... [查看全文]


US have leading a military exercise that involves dozens of countries.美国领导的军事演习涉及几十个国家。Now, some offi... [查看全文]


First up today, there is no slowdown in protests against an online film that's offensive to Islam.首先,今天对... [查看全文]

2012-09-21CNNnews:侵犯伊斯兰电影惹抗议 民主党历史追本溯源

First up today, there is no slowdown in protests against an online film that's offensive to Islam.首先,今天对... [查看全文]

2012-09-20CNNnews:美国大使馆相继遭袭 大使等4名外交官被害

Hi, I'm Carl Azuz.大家好,我是卡尔·阿祖兹。Today on CNN student news, we are going to be talking about teachers... [查看全文]

2012-09-19CNNnews:梦想终成现实 瑞士当局请求遭到拒绝

And this victory means so much to these Spanish fans.这一胜利对这些西班牙球迷意味太多。For so many tournaments Spain... [查看全文]

2012-09-18CNNnews:美国纪念911事件11周年 需要纪念也需要哀思

What do a gibbon, a sloth, and a newt have in common?长臂猿, 獭猴, 蝾螈有什么共同之处?One, you are going to see... [查看全文]


The effects of that recession obviously still being felt today.经济衰退造成的影响,时至今日依然明显。And there are fear... [查看全文]


You are not just celebrity star dust, you're actually a Tennessee delegate.On your hand y... [查看全文]