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Film and TV works have become a highlight in the promotion of Chinese culture overseas in 2018. This year, a s... [查看全文]


Hong Kong celebrity Eric Tsang was involved in a car accident in Japan on Christmas Day, according to Hong Kong... [查看全文]


After nearly five years of marriage, Chinese mainland actress Yang Mi and Hong Kong actor Hawick Lau have issued... [查看全文]

2018-12-27奥巴马离任后片约不断 确认出演《汉密尔顿》

Former US President Barack Obama has lent his voice to a new version of a song from the hit musical Hamilton.... [查看全文]


It’s never easy for an Asian to earn a place in Hollywood, either as an actor or a director. However, 41... [查看全文]


每年12月,美国国家电影档案都会招募新成员,今年也不例外,共有25部经典影片入选。其中,史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格执导的第一部《侏罗纪公园》成... [查看全文]


The nominations for 2019's Golden Globes have been revealed in full.2019年金球奖的提名名单已经全部揭晓。Vice, surpr... [查看全文]


Audrey Hepburn is an inextinguishable Hollywood star, the legend of Hepburn has outsized the woman herself.奥黛丽·... [查看全文]

2018-12-26数据显示 女性领衔主演的电影票房更好

A new study that analyzed four years' worth of films found that female-led movies have consistently outperform... [查看全文]


Focus Features has unveiled a dialogue-free teaser trailer for its upcoming Downton Abbey movie, highlighted by so... [查看全文]