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艾玛登联合国舞台 担任妇女亲善大使




  Emma Watson has been a notable starlet from the time she was a child, and, although one would think that the now 25-year-old was always suited for the silver screen and meant to be in the spotlight, the Harry Potter star communicates that she really isn’t sure that she has ever been suited or deserving of recognition. In an interview with Vogue U.K., Watson responded to a question in regards to whether acting has always come naturally.


  The talented and gorgeous Beauty and the Beast star also admits that often times she actually feels out of place when praised for her acting abilities when out on the Hollywood scene.


  Watson describes the psychological tendencies which many successful women in the industry have admitted to experiencing at one time or another in their careers. As Vanity Fair relays, “imposter syndrome [is] a psychological phenomenon in which people don’t believe they deserve their successes,” and other notable figures, such as Tina Fey and Maya Angelou, have expressed similar statements outlining their feelings of inadequacy.

  艾玛•沃特森的这种心理倾向,影视圈中的很多女星也都有过。美国时尚杂志《名利场》曾报道过:冒充者综合征(imposter syndrome)是一种心理学现象,表现为人们认为自己配不上所取得成就。其他知名人士,比如美国剧作家、演员蒂娜•菲和美国作家马娅•安杰卢等,都表达过曾有类似的感受。

  However, Emma Watson notes that she most certainly found her calling and a sense of belonging, which is substantially more meaningful to the young beauty in the position she now holds as a U.N. ambassador. Prior to her giving her first prepared speech before the assembly, Emma makes mention of the fact that she experienced nerves and feelings of insecurity, yet she rallied and delivered her speech with confidence.


  A friend assisted in Watson’s preparation via Skype, saying, “Go through it again and ask yourself, if you were hit by a bus tomorrow, would you be comfortable with every single line?”


  Ms. Watson was flawless in the delivery of the speech and spoke with a meaningful conviction that helped her to find her sense of purpose.


  Emma Watson has certainly gained the respect and admiration of individuals internationally since she took the brave step within the U.N.’s assembly, and can absolutely shrug off the fears of inadequacy because this talent is no imposter.



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