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BBC News with David Auston

Election officials in Florida have confirmed that Barack Obama won the state in Tuesday's US presidential election. The victory by just 1% widens Mr Obama's victory margin over his Republican rival, Mitt Romney. It means Mr Obama won eight out of nine of the crucial swing states. From Washington, here is Zoe Conway.

This result will not come as a surprise to either President Obama or governor Romney. It's been assumed that the president would win since late on Tuesday. But it's significant. Nonetheless, it further strengthens President Obama's negotiating position when it comes to doing deals with Republicans in Congress. And because there are so many Latino voters in the state, the result will also reinforce the message the Republicans need to do more to win the Hispanic vote. Exit polls suggest the Florida's Cuban Americans voted for the Democratic party in record numbers.

There has been a flare-up of fighting on the border between Israel and Gaza strip, at least four Palestinians have been killed and around 20 wounded. John Donaldson reports from Ramallah.

Witnesses in Gaza say Israeli tanks started shelling after an exchange fire with Palestinian militants close to the border. Some reports say the shells landed close to a mourning tent following a funeral east of Gaza city, it's likely there were civilian casualties. Sources in Gaza say earlier Palestinian fighters fired a missile at an Israeli army Jeep. There are reports of Israeli casualties. Flare-ups in violence in and around Gaza are frequent. On Thursday a 13-year-old Palestinian boy was killed as militants clashed with Israeli soldiers.

The Danish government is to scrap a controversial tax on fatty foods, the first of its kind in the world which was introduced last year to tackle obesity. Plans for a tax on sugar have also been dropped. Mark Gregory reports from Copenhagen.

It's no surprise that Denmark's coalition government has killed off the fat tax. The country's chamber of commerce claimed that the unpopular legislation had cost more than 1,000 jobs, had eaten into the company's revenue and had failed to improve the nation's health. One major supermarket chain claimed that customers hit by the rising cost of goods containing saturated fat such as cheese, pizzas and butter has started to shop in northern Germany in order to take advantage of lower prices. The chain warned that it would start building stores across the border if the tax wasn't scrapped.

Officials in Guinea say the head of the public treasury, Aissatou Boiro who had fought against public corruption has been shot dead. Witnesses and relatives of Mrs Boiro said she was killed in a residential area of the capital Conakry. They said one of the attackers was wearing what appeared to be a military uniform. Earlier this year, Aissatou Boiro was reported to have foiled a plot to embezzle nearly $2m from Guinea's central bank.

World News from the BBC

The BBC is the center of a storm of controversy in Britain after broadcasting a report that wrongly accused a former politician of child abuse. The director general of the BBC George Entwistle said the film should never have been shown. He called the situation a crisis of trust. The corporation is now facing a chorus of condemnation from MPs. The BBC and its News Night program were already under scrutiny for dropping an investigation into child abuse by a former BBC staff Jimmy Savile.

The Iraqi government has cancelled a multi-billion dollar arms deal with Russian because of what Baghdad says concerns over corruption. A spokesman for the Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said he has suspicions about corruption within his own team and so had to decided to review the $4.2bn agreement. A Russian military expert told the BBC Iraq went back on the deal under US pressure.

Thousands of members of the Portuguese armed forces have staged a demonstration in Lisbon to protest about cuts in next year's budget. Defense cuts imposed as a part of government austerity program will affect pay and conditions of service. From Lisbon here's Alison Robbins.

Saturday's march by serving members of the military as well as veterans, spouses and supportive members of the public was a disciplined affair. The legal status of such events is ambiguous so there was no slogan shouting. But those taking parts said there was great anger at government plans to erode rights such as health care and, above all, the freezing of promotions at time when some members of the military are finding it difficult to make ends meet.

The Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa has announced he will run for a third term in February's elections. Tens of thousands of Mr Correa's supporters gathered at a stadium in the capital Quito for the announcement. The left-wing leader who's facing a divided and weakened opposition is widely expected to win the vote. Mr Correa has been in power since 2007 and already been re-elected once..

BBC News


David Auston为你播报BBC新闻。

佛罗里达选举官方称巴拉克·奥巴马赢得周二的美国总统选举。奥巴马以1%的优势领先其共和党对手米特·罗姆尼。这意味着奥巴马赢得9个关键摇摆州中的8个。Zoe Conway在华盛顿报道。

这个结果无论对总统奥巴马还是州长罗姆尼来说都不算惊喜,自从周二晚些时候,就已认定总统将胜出。但佛罗里达的结果具有重大意义,将增强总统奥巴马 在国会与共和党协商时的谈判立场。由于该州的拉丁选民很多,结果将再次说明,共和党要赢得拉美裔选票还需做更多工作。民调显示,佛罗里达州的古巴裔美国人 创下纪录地支持民主党。

以色列和加沙地带边境线发生战斗,至少4名巴勒斯坦人被杀,20多人受伤。John Donaldson在拉马拉报道。

加沙的目击者称在与巴勒斯坦军人在边境线附近交火后,以色列坦克开始轰击。有报道称炮弹落加沙市东部一处哀悼帐篷上,这里刚举行过葬礼,因此可能存 在平民伤亡。来自加沙的消息称,早些时候驾驶以色列吉普军车的巴勒斯坦军人发射了枪弹,有报道称有以色列人伤亡。加沙内外的战斗很频繁,周四,一名14岁 的巴勒斯坦男孩在武装分子与以色列军人的冲突中丧生。



丹麦联盟政府取消脂肪税并不令人吃惊,该国商务部称这项不受欢迎的法案已经使1000多个岗位失掉,消耗公司税收,却无法改善国民健康。一家大型连 锁超市称,在德国北部,许多消费者因成本上涨而减少购买含有饱和脂肪的食物,诸如奶酪、披萨和黄油,但现在趁着价格低廉,他们又开始购买。这家超市警告 说,如果不取消这项税收,将准备跨境建设超市。

几内亚官员称打击公共腐败的国库部长Aissatou Boiro遭枪杀。目击者及Boiro的亲属称她是在首都科纳克里的住处被杀,他们称一名袭击者穿的似乎是军装。据报道今年年初,Aissatou Boiro挫败了企图侵吞几内亚央行近2百万资金的阴谋。



数千名葡萄牙武装军人在里斯本游行抗议明年的预算削减。国防预算是政府紧缩计划的重要部分,将影响到军人的薪水和处境。Alison Robbins在里斯本报道。





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