
2016-06-21 08:40:23  每日学英语

A: Did you feed the cat?

A: 喂猫了吗?

B: I'll do that in a minute.

B: 等一分钟啊。

A: The cat is meowing. He's hungry.

A: 猫咪在叫,他饿了。

B: Okay. I'll feed him right now.

B: 好,马上就喂。

A: You shouldn't make him wait.

A: 你不该让他等着。

B: I was doing my homework.

B: 我在做作业。

A: The cat doesn't care about your homework.

A: 猫咪可不在乎你的作业。

B: The cat doesn't care about anything.

B: 他什么都不在乎。

A: That's the way cats are.

A: 他们就是这样。

B: All they think about is themselves.

B: 他们只想到他们自己。

A: Maybe we should get rid of him.

A: 要不我们扔了他。

B: Of course not! He's family.

B: 那可不行!他是我们家里的一份子。
