
2017-05-19 09:28:53  每日学英语

不知道大家会不会常常拿起镜子端详自己,看看自己哪里变美啦,哪里还需要“改进”,有时会因为自己与大家不同而自卑。其实每个人都是独一无二的,那些让我们苦恼不已的小缺陷在别人眼里可能正是我们出彩的地方哦(our true beauty is in our uniqueness),今天小编跟大家分享几个真实的故事,这些故事告诉我们其实我们都很美。

1. I’ve always had hang-ups about being bigger than my girlfriends (6 ft and 150 lbs). But once we went on a tour around Europe. In 2 weeks of our trip, my friends just became invisible for everyone. I, on the contrary, was neck-deep in compliments and admirers. They all said I was a true Russian beauty (I’ve got a typical Slavic appearance with round face, big breasts, and thick brown hair). No more hang-ups now.



2. I’m naturally red-haired and green-eyed, and I was mocked for that at school and college. Even my dark-haired parents told me that my red color was ugly. Today, though, I had my nails done at a beauty salon, and one lady asked the hairdresser for a color like mine.She even asked to take a picture of me because they didn’t have such a dye. I’m starting to feel beautiful and unique. That’s surprising.



3. My parents were too busy making money to raise my sister and me, so I only heard about my looks from my granny. She said I had bulgy eyes, a stubby nose, and so on... And only recently I’ve heard from my husband’s boss that my hubby has a picture of me at his office, and everyone is envious of him for having such a beautiful wife.



4. I’ve got a strange body with too-long arms and huge feet, and I’ve always had trouble picking clothes and shoes (size 9 at 14 years old!). The latter are the worst — I have to have them tailor made, which isn’t cheap, so I have just a couple of pairs for every occasion. It’s the biggest problem of my life, and I’ve been mocked as "Gulliver" since time immemorial. I met my husband at 28 at the same shoemaker. He’s 7 ft tall and has size 12. Now we have two Gullivers in our family.





hang-up ['hæŋʌp] n. 烦恼;大难题;障碍

Slavic ['slɑ:vik; 'slæ-] adj. 斯拉夫的

beauty salon n. 美容院

hairdresser 英 ['heədresə(r)] 美 ['hɛrdresɚ] n. 美发师

bulgy ['bʌldʒɪ] adj. 凸出的;膨胀的;肿胀的

stubby 英 ['stʌbɪ] 美 ['stʌbi] adj. 短而粗硬的;又短又秃的

hubby 英 ['hʌbɪ] 美 ['hʌbi] n. 丈夫

Gulliver ['ɡʌlivə] n. 格利佛(《格利佛游记》的主人公)

shoemaker 英 ['ʃuːmeɪkə] 美 ['ʃʊ'mekɚ] n. 鞋匠;补鞋工人
