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听美剧学英语-摩登家庭第三季 第16集:卡梅隆的保鲜盒





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00:03.53, Ooh! Individual frittatas! 每人一份意大利蛋饼
00:05.69, What a treat. You're a lucky man, Phil. 规格真高 你真幸运 菲尔
00:07.44, - I'm always saying, I'm... - Phil. -我一直这么说 我... -菲尔
00:09.21, Sorry.-you left the milk out again. 抱歉-你又把牛奶放外边了
00:11.85, I may have to take one of these little guys home. 我得带一个回家吃
00:13.58, Claire, did you ever find that Tupperware I lent you? 克莱尔 你找到我借你的保鲜盒了吗
00:15.25, Sweetie, for the hundredth time, 亲爱的 跟你说过一百遍了
00:17.50, I gave it back to you, remember? 我还给你了 记得吗
00:19.15, I remember you telling me a hundred times, 我是记得你说过一百遍
00:20.53, yet my pea soup is in baggies. 可我现在都只能用塑料袋盛豌豆汤
00:22.62, Did you check your car? 你检查过车子吗
00:24.06, In the... 在那个
00:25.08, Trunk. 后备箱里
00:25.70, Because that's where you found that thing 上次你就是在那里找到了
00:27.03, that you thought that you gave me long time ago, 那个你以为早就给我了的东西
00:29.02, - the... the... - Pizza cutter. -那个 那个 -披萨刀
00:31.74, - Yes, I was wrong that time. I-- - It's a piece of plastic. -是的 那次是我错了 -就一团塑料而已
00:34.75, You're ruining brunch. 你把早午餐毁了
00:35.87, Don't sweat it, Cam. 别想太多了 小卡
00:36.82, I forget things all the time. 我也老是忘事儿
00:38.19, Like I can never remember the name 比如我就老是记不住
00:40.19, of that weather guy that I liked. Uh... 我喜欢的那个天气播报员的名字
00:42.85, Thunder something. Stormy... 什么雷 什么风的
00:44.60, Flash Stormy? Ah, whatever the hell it is. 闪电风暴 管他叫什么呢
00:46.63, - I don't know. - Mm, just eat your eggs, Jay. 我不知道-吃你的蛋吧 杰
00:48.63, Yeah, just eat your eggs, Jay. 对 吃你的蛋吧 杰
00:53.25, Grandpa got told! 爷爷受到教训了
00:55.63, Look at them. 看他们那样
00:56.77, They all think Lily's so great. 所有人都觉得莉莉超可爱
00:59.15, The novelty will wear off. 新鲜感总会消失的
01:00.47, We used to be the cute ones. 我们以前才是家里最萌的
01:02.21, Now she gets all the attention. 现在注意力全集中在她身上了
01:04.17, We need to take her down. 我们得灭了她
01:05.78, And I should remember his name, too, 我应该记得他的名字的
01:07.26, because your mom and I got in a big fight over him. 因为你妈和我为他还大吵了一架
01:09.80, She was using the convertible, and I told her, 她那时候开着敞篷车 我跟她说
01:12.39, Put the top up because it's supposed to rain tonight, according to... 把顶篷升上来 那谁说今晚会下雨的
01:17.27, P-p-p-partly McCloudy? 那人叫 部分·多云
01:19.10, Whatever the hell his name is. Anyway... 管他叫什么破名呢 反正呢
01:21.30, She didn't. Ruined the car. 她没照做 车毁了
01:23.46, Well, not to be the one that always come to mom's defense... 我说这话不是因为我总帮我妈说话
01:26.34, What? It was 20 years ago. 干吗呢 都20年前的事了
01:27.91, What, you think he's gonna ground you? 怎么了 难道他现在还会关你禁闭啊
01:29.26, It was you? 是你干的
01:30.38, Yes. Yes, I left the top down, 是的 是的 是我把顶蓬放下来
01:32.54, and I let mom take the fall. 让妈妈背了黑锅
01:34.36, And then they got divorced. 害得他俩离婚了
01:35.64, - 12 years later. - I'm just saying. -12年以后才离的 -我就这么一说
01:37.10, Ugh. You're ruining brunch. 你毁了早午餐
01:38.24, Relax. It was years ago. 放轻松 那都好多年前的事了
01:39.67, There's a statute of limitation on this stuff. 这种事也有个追诉时效的嘛
01:41.55, In that case, I should probably let you know 既然这样 我干脆告诉你们
01:43.15, I let the top down to let out the cigarette smoke. 我把顶篷放下来是为了散一下烟味
01:47.32, Not--not mine. Not mine. 不是我抽的 不是我
01:48.46, My--my bad friend Eleanor. 是我一个坏朋友伊利诺
01:50.00, Eleanor being her boyfriend Allen. 所谓伊利诺其实是她男朋友艾伦
01:51.61, Statute of limitations. 追诉时效
01:52.74, Oh, relax, it's okay. 放松点 没事的
01:54.51, Remember when I told you 记不记得我告诉你们
01:55.89, that I couldn't get to your figure skating semifinal 说我不能赶去看你们花样滑冰的半决赛
01:58.16, because I was stuck at work? 是因为工作脱不开身
01:59.22, Yeah. 记得
01:59.75, Well, by "stuck" I meant "drunk," 所谓脱不开身其实是烂醉如泥
02:01.17, and by "work" I meant "the golf course." 所谓工作 其实是在高尔夫球场
02:04.39, - Wow. Dad! Oh, no. - I got one. I got one. -老爸 不是吧 -我想起来一件事
02:07.52, Remember that time we went golfing together, 记不记得那次我们一块去打高尔夫
02:09.03, - and you got a hole-in-one? - Yeah? 你一杆进洞来着-记得啊
02:10.95, You never got a hole-in-one. 你其实没打出一杆进洞
02:12.46, I got bored and I kicked it in the hole. 是我闲着无聊 把球踢进洞里了
02:16.28, This is fun. Here's a corker. 这可真有意思 我来说点更好玩的
02:18.19, They didn't used to label babies as carefully in hospitals, 医院以前可不像现在这样给婴儿贴姓名标签牌
02:20.79, - so for two days-- - Not now, Phil. 在两天之内-现在不是时候 菲尔
02:22.48, What do you mean, you-- you kicked the ball in the hole? 你什么意思 是你把球踢进洞里去的
02:24.01, What, was it, like, on the edge? 怎么 当时那球 是在洞边上吗
02:25.27, Yeah, it was on the edge of that, uh... 是啊 是在那个
02:26.61, What? That--that sandy thing. 那什么 在那沙丘边上
02:27.84, Gee, it's sure gonna be fun to face my friends today. 老天 我今天可怎么去面对我的朋友们呢
02:30.48, Well, you don't have to tell them. 你不一定非得告诉他们啊
02:31.52, They call me "Ace," Mitch. 他们叫我"高手"呢 米奇
02:33.29, I haven't paid for a lemonade down there in 20 years. 我在那地方免费喝了二十年的柠檬水
02:36.56, You're mad at me? 你生我的气了
02:39.51, Great, daddy. You ruined brunch. 这下可好 老爸 你毁了早午餐
02:43.90, You did! 确实是
02:45.65, This ends today. 这事今天得有个了结
03:01.99, A little help here? 能帮点忙吗
03:03.16, You can't expect me to focus 米兰达·康奈尔就住在街角
03:04.32, when Miranda Cornell lives right down your street. 你怎么能指望我集中精神呢
03:06.76, She's like a dream wrapped in a wish poured into jeggings. 她简直就是包裹在牛仔打底裤里的美梦
03:09.55, Yeah, yeah, that's nice and all, 是的是的 是挺美好的
03:11.05, but we got a trap to set. 我们还得做个机关呢
03:13.33, Are you sure this is going to work? 你确定这能有用吗
03:14.84, Trust me. We'll use these cookies as bait. 相信我 我们用饼干作为诱饵
03:17.72, Lily's crazy for them. 莉莉可爱吃了
03:19.48, Asian metabolism. 据说亚洲人新陈代谢比较快
03:20.75, When she grabs them with her grubby little hands, 等她用那肮脏的小手去抓饼干的时候
03:23.16, off goes the trap. 触动机关
03:24.70, Boom--big puddle of milk. 砰 一大滩牛奶
03:26.84, She'll get in so much trouble. 她会有大麻烦的
03:28.34, My mom hates messes. 我妈可讨厌一团乱了
03:29.71, I'm familiar with Claire. 我知道克莱尔是什么样的人
03:32.03, Lock... 准备
03:32.90, And loaded. 待发
03:35.68, These cookies are so good... 这饼干太好吃了
03:38.77, And so easy to reach. 又这么触手可及
03:41.45, Lily! 莉莉
03:55.35, Oh, my god! Cam! Oh! Ohh! 我的天呐 小卡
03:57.63, What happened? Are you okay? 怎么回事 你还好吧
04:00.12, Oh! That milk... Fell, and I must have slipped in it! 那盒牛奶 倒了 我肯定是踩滑了
04:03.09, Did I leave that out again? I'm so sorry! 我又把牛奶忘在外边了吗 实在抱歉
04:05.29, Oh! My back! Ooh! My back! 我的背 哎哟 我的背
04:07.20, Can I give you a Swedish massage, accent optional? 帮你做个瑞典式按摩好吗 口音您挑
04:10.52, Oh! Oh, no, I just need to lie down. 不用了 让我躺会儿就行
04:12.28, Come on. Let's just get you over to the sofa. 来吧 我们扶你去沙发那儿歇歇
04:16.03, Do you think it would be offensive 你觉得让闺女帮我踩背
04:16.85, if I asked our daughter to walk on my back? 这个要求过分吗
04:18.68, I'd say so. I just offered to give you a massage. 有点 我刚刚不是说帮你按吗
04:21.90, Oh, no! You broke Beatrice. 不会吧 碧翠丝被你弄坏了
04:24.71, Now she can't feed the dolphins. 这下她没法喂海豚了
04:27.14, What is she talking about? 这孩子说什么呢
04:28.41, Oh, it's a "My sweet companion" doll. 这是"甜蜜相伴"家的娃娃
04:29.94, They all have these elaborate backstories. 娃娃的背景故事都经过精心安排
04:31.72, Beatrice works with blind dolphins and models. 碧翠丝跟盲眼的海豚和模特是同事
04:34.67, There are blind models? 还有盲人模特吗
04:36.62, That's so sad. They cannot see how pretty they are. 真惨 都看不见自己有多漂亮
04:42.46, Okay. Hold on. Here we go. 好的 慢点 来吧
04:43.98, Give me some. Give me some. Give me some. Oh! 扶稳了 扶稳了 扶稳了
04:47.38, Let me buy Lily a new doll. 我给莉莉买个新娃娃吧
04:48.94, It's my fault Cam fell. 小卡摔倒都是我的错
04:50.47, No, no need. Uh, the "My sweet companion" store 不用啦 "甜蜜相伴"店里
04:52.48, actually has a hospital with an on-call doctor. 有个医院 里面有位值班医生
04:54.87, Well, I can go. I'm taking the girls to the mall anyway. 我可以送她去 正好要带姑娘们去商场
04:56.84, Oh, that'd be great. Yeah. 那就太好了
04:58.03, And don't worry. She has medical insurance. 别担心 娃娃有医保的
04:59.73, Yeah, and I think we've met our deductible for the year, 我觉得咱今年应该达到免赔额了吧
05:01.87, so you should be good. 所以应该不用花钱的
05:03.03, Yeah. 没错
05:03.69, Do you know what a doll is in my village? 你们知道我们村里的娃娃啥样吗
05:05.66, An apple on a fork. 叉子顶个苹果就算
05:10.72, I never really got dolls. Does that make me weird? 我都没玩过娃娃 这样很怪异吗
05:13.85, It's on the list. 绝对在"怪异名单"上
05:14.82, You're not weird. 你一点也不怪异
05:15.69, You just kind of skipped the little girl stage. 你只是直接越过了小女孩阶段罢了
05:17.85, And jumped to the "I dare you to ring her doorbell" stage. 直接跳到"你敢按她门铃试试"阶段
05:20.59, The only stage you're ever going to jump on has a pole on it. 您这辈子也就只有往钢管舞台上跳的命
05:23.11, Hey, at least I have the body-- 好歹我也有本钱啊
05:24.44, Okay! Okay! 别吵 别吵
05:25.60, We're gonna have to settle this dispute in court-- 我们要把这事移送法庭
05:25.86, [Court 有"法庭"和"广场"双重意思  
05:28.53, The food court. 美食广场
05:29.85, The honorable judge Cinnabon presiding. 由尊敬的"肉桂卷"法官审理
05:32.42, The food court? 美食广场吗
05:33.42, That place smells like the inside of Luke's bicycle helmet. 那地方一股卢克的自行车头盔味儿
05:36.00, - I like the food court. - Me, too. 我喜欢美食广场-我也喜欢
05:38.02, Don't worry, girls. We're not gonna deprive ourselves 别担心 姑娘们 我们才不会因为
05:40.14, just 'cause of Haley's aversion to food-- 海莉对食物无爱就亏待自己
05:42.38, [艾丽克斯听成"Haley's a virgin(海莉是处女)"  
05:44.21, Oh. Oh, Haley's "Aversion." 哦哦 你说无爱啊
05:46.83, I thought you said... 我还以为你说
05:49.19, Never mind. 当我没说
05:58.12, Okay, so after you have turned on the monitor 好的 你打开电视之后
06:00.38, and selected your input, 选择输入模式后
06:02.17, you can change the channel with this guy. 就可以用这只换台了
06:04.32, But if you need to change the volume-- 但如果你要调节音量
06:06.69, You know what? I think I'm fine. 你知道吗 我觉得我这样挺好
06:07.82, Why don't you just go ahead? 你忙你的去吧
06:08.87, I know this sounds really confusing, 我知道听起来很复杂
06:10.15, but there's actually a very simple way to remember it. 但我有个简单易上手的小诀窍
06:12.57, Input 1 is the cable box 输入模式一是机顶盒
06:15.47, - Cable box, ca-- - I think I'm just gonna take a nap. -机顶盒 机 -我觉得我打个盹就好
06:17.50, Okay. I'm going to yoga. 那行 我去做瑜伽了
06:19.27, Ay! That sounds like so much fun. 哇 听起来蛮有趣的啊
06:21.68, Oh, you should go with her, Gloria! 你应该跟她一起去 歌洛莉亚
06:23.12, Oh, we should definitely do that sometime. 以后有机会一定会的
06:24.59, I would love it. Bye! 我会很乐意的 拜
06:27.12, Do you see how she gives me the cold shoulders? 看见她怎么用冷屁股贴我热脸了吧
06:29.92, I don't even know why I try. 我都不知道自己还试个什么劲
06:31.61, - Ay. Sorry. - Oh, well, that's just Claire, you know? 抱歉-这个 克莱尔就这德行啊
06:33.98, She's a Pritchett. 普里契特家人都那样
06:35.62, You gotta break through those walls. 你得突破那层坚冰
06:37.14, The sooner the better. 越早越好
06:38.42, You really think so? 你真这么觉得吗
06:39.65, Yeah. Why don't you go? Now. 没错 为什么不去呢 快走
06:41.72, Forge that friendship! 搭建友谊的桥梁
06:43.11, Okay, I go. I have my gym bag in the car. 好 我去 我的健身包就在车里
06:45.92, Feel better! 快好起来哦
06:47.07, Okay, thank you! I'm just gonna lie here... 好的 谢啦 我就趴在这儿
06:50.17, Some ice on my back! 敷点冰块
07:00.72, I knew for a fact Claire never returned my Tupperware. 克莱尔根本没还我保鲜盒
07:03.20, I just needed a few minutes alone to find it. 我只是需要点时间找找
07:05.40, And when I did, 等我找到
07:06.67, I'd never have to hear them snicker again, 他们就再也不会偷笑了
07:08.80, Oh, silly Cam or "forgetful Cam," 说什么"糊涂的小卡"或者"小卡忘性真大"
07:11.62, because revenge is a dish best served cold. 因为君子报仇 十年不晚
07:14.81, And even better, two days later 而且更狠的是 两天后她就会发现
07:16.58, out of 24-ounce microwave-friendly 失去24盎司微波炉适用的
07:18.43, burp-sealed pak-n-stor. 气密封口保鲜盒有多可怕
07:31.38, Oh, hey! I thought you were going to the pharmacy. 嘿 我还以为你去药房了呢
07:33.66, I forgot my phone. 忘带手机了
07:36.48, I think I'm just upset about this stupid thing with my dad. 我觉得我还在为跟我爸的那蠢事烦神
07:38.58, Well, sweetie, I'd love to hear about it 亲爱的 我愿意听你娓娓道来
07:39.87, when you come back with my heating pad from the pharmacy, 不过你得先帮我买暖宝宝去
07:41.60, because I hurt my back, remember? 因为我背好疼 好吗
07:43.58, I mean, did he overreact or what? 我说 他是不是反应过度了啊
07:46.19, It's just a game, right? 就是个游戏嘛 对吧
07:47.66, Well, unless there's something more to it. 除非有其他更深层次的意义
07:50.89, Maybe you should go talk to him. 或许你应该跟他谈谈
07:52.23, Yeah. 或许吧
07:54.73, Oh, I should have just kept my mouth shut. 唉 早知道就不提那事了
07:56.14, I mean, it was such a great day. 那天多美好啊
07:57.70, After he thought he got that hole-in-one, 在他以为自己一杆进洞后
07:59.56, he took us out to dinner. 他带我们下馆子
08:01.36, He bought me my first beer. 给我买了人生中第一瓶啤酒
08:02.83, Well, there you go. He's probably hurt 这不就对了 他也许就气在
08:04.30, because you marred a very special father-son experience. 你毁了一段特殊的父子经历
08:07.02, - You think? - You marred it. 是吗-你毁了它
08:08.83, But you can fix it. 但你可以修补啊
08:10.42, He's down at the club right now. 他现在就在俱乐部呢
08:12.37, Go, Mitchell! 去吧 米奇尔
08:13.93, Un-mar that memory! 修补那段回忆
08:15.47, You know what? I'm gonna do it. 你知道吗 我要去
08:17.29, Ow.-Sorry. 疼-抱歉
08:18.92, Don't worry. I'll be back soon. 别担心 我马上就回来
08:19.96, Okay! I'll miss you! 好的 我会想你的
08:21.11, Call first. 回来前打电话啊
08:30.34, What were you thinking saying that in front of him? 你当着他的面说那些话 有脑子吗你
08:32.22, I'm sorry. It slipped out. 抱歉 说溜嘴了
08:33.70, Besides, I figured he knew. 况且 我觉得他早知道了
08:35.15, Mom knows. 妈早知道了
08:35.66, Only because she dragged it out of Dylan. 那也是她威逼利诱迪兰才知道的
08:37.48, And she promised not to tell dad until I left for college, 而且她保证过在我上大学前不告诉老爸的
08:40.79, Which means he might have never found out. 也就是说本来可以一直瞒着他
08:44.07, Stop panicking. 别慌了
08:45.36, We don't even know for sure he heard what I said. 我们都不确定他是否听清楚了我的话
08:47.03, Okay. Beatrice is with the nurse. 好了 已经有护士在照顾碧翠丝了
08:48.98, They'll call us. Shouldn't be too long. 有事他们会叫我们的 应该不会太久
08:50.24, We can just wait until she's married. 我们等着吧 等到她结婚
08:51.76, Until she's... ready. 等到她准备好
08:53.97, Which, apparently, everyone is these days. 当然啦 现在的年轻人都是"时刻准备着"
08:56.10, Funny, i used to think it'd be years until everyone was ready, 有意思的是 我以为人家要到好几年后才会准备好呢
08:58.28, but I guess I was wrong. Wrong and naive. 但我猜我错了 很傻很天真地错了
09:04.20, Surprise! 惊喜哟
09:05.18, Oh! Gloria. My god. 歌洛莉亚 天啊
09:07.60, I came to do yoga with you. 我来和你一起练瑜伽
09:09.22, I wasn't expecting to see you here. 我真没想到你会来呢
09:10.60, Yeah, that's why I say "Surprise!" 对啊 所以我才会说惊喜哟
09:12.28, Oh, yeah. This is awful, because I was just thinking 是啊 太不巧了 因为我刚刚想起来
09:14.84, I might have to bail on yoga. 我好像得翘瑜伽课了
09:16.85, I have the worst headache all of a sudden. 我突然间头痛的好厉害啊
09:18.68, Oh, but yoga is good for that, Claire. 但是瑜伽对头痛很好啊 克莱尔
09:20.62, For the meditation, for the mmm... 有冥想啊 还有那种哼哼叫啊
09:22.72, Yeah, yeah. It's just right now 是 是 只是现在
09:24.43, I wanna go lie down in a dark room and breathe. 我真的只想在漆黑的屋子里躺下来深呼吸
09:27.47, That sounds like yoga. 听起来和瑜伽没什么区别嘛
09:28.74, I... I realize that. 这 这倒是
09:30.24, Yes. 是没什么区别
09:31.30, - But still, I-I... should go. - Come on. -但是 我得走了 -拜托
09:33.63, I'm not gonna do the class by myself. 人家才不要一个人上瑜伽课嘛
09:35.67, Okay, so let's go and get massages. 那好 那我们去做个按摩吧
09:37.92, or there's a nail salon there. 或者去这的一家美甲沙龙
09:39.37, Ooh, I would love to do that some other time, 改天有时间的话我肯定特想去
09:41.14, I really would. But right now 我真的特想去 但是现在
09:42.30, I need to get home and lie down. You understand, right? 我得回家躺着了 你能理解我 对吧
09:45.04, - Of course. - Okay. 当然理解-好的
09:47.31, You go! 走吧
09:49.61, And lie. 你就满嘴谎话吧
09:53.96, You're better! 你好了
09:55.12, Barely. Barely, yeah. 稍有起色 稍有
09:56.23, I was just getting something cold for my back. 我刚刚只是想拿点凉东西敷背
09:58.76, Gravy? 拿肉汁敷
09:59.36, Well, if it can save your mom's turkey, 如果它能拯救你妈的火鸡
10:00.98, it can save anything. 它就能治好所有东西
10:02.28, I thought you were going to see your friend Miranda. 你们不是要去见你朋友米兰达吗
10:04.09, This one chickened out. 这货胆怯了
10:05.77, For someone who says he likes girls so much, 亏他还说自己非常喜欢女生
10:07.61, he sure is afraid of them. 怕女生还差不多
10:08.93, It's a dance, Luke. 那可是要跟她跳舞啊 卢克
10:10.31, Chicken dance. 懦夫舞吧
10:11.70, Well, since you're back, 既然你们都回来了
10:13.51, what if I give you 20 bucks, 如果我给你们二十块钱
10:15.16, and you guys... 你们俩
10:17.54, go wash my car? 给我把车洗了怎么样
10:20.30, Is that 20 bucks for each of us, or both of us? 是每人二十 还是总共二十
10:23.17, Both. 总共二十
10:24.55, That's what I thought. 我就知道他没那么大方
10:30.28, [一杆进洞名人榜  
10:34.23, Uh-oh, check it out. 瞧瞧啊
10:35.44, Ace is drooling over his plaque again. 高手又在盯着光荣榜呢
10:37.18, Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't smell you idiots come in. 抱歉 我还真没闻见你们几个二货进来
10:40.28, Listen, I've been thinking, 听着 我一直在想
10:41.31, maybe it's time we retire the name "Ace." 或许还是别叫我"高手"了吧
10:44.01, You mean the name you had printed on your golf cap? 你是说你印在高尔夫球帽上的字吗
10:46.24, - And his robe. - You know, guys, about that-- 还有浴袍上-其实 关于那个
10:48.07, Remember how mad he got when I yanked that cap off his head 还记得我把他那帽子扯下来戴我头上
10:50.49, and put it on? 他怎么发飙的吗
10:51.84, You got to earn that! 你得自己赢取一顶光荣帽
10:52.81, Yeah, yeah, well, I'm just glad 是是是 我只是很庆幸
10:53.90, one of those cheap hair plugs didn't get caught in it. 你那便宜的植发没卡进我帽子里
10:56.14, Hey, for the millionth time, they're not plugs. 说过多少次了 那不是植发
10:58.05, So what, your hair just came back when you turned 50? 那是啥 你头发在你五十岁时又回来了
11:00.55, Unlike your wife. 反正你老婆是没回来
11:01.92, Hey, that was a blessing. 拜托 她不回来才好呢
11:02.80, Otherwise, I wouldn't be taking out Natalie Hobbes tonight. 否则 我今晚还约不了娜塔莉·霍布斯呢
11:05.09, Taking her out or doing her taxes? 出去吃饭还是帮人报税啊
11:06.81, So I'm trying to find a way to come clean 我正想怎么澄清我那
11:08.11, about the hole-in-one, when it occurs to me... 一杆进洞的囧事时 我突然间想
11:10.82, Why? 澄清毛啊
11:12.78, One idiot lies about his sex life, 一个二货对他的性生活鬼话连篇
11:14.61, the other dumbbell has a ferrari "In the shop" for years, 另一个傻缺的法拉利都"在保养"N年了
11:18.72, and moron number three is a hollywood stunt car driver 而三号二货是个好莱坞特技车手
11:22.11, who gets sick when he rides backwards in the golf cart. 而他却在倒高尔夫车时受伤了
11:26.18, So you ladies ready to tee off or what? 那女士们准备好开球还是干嘛啊
11:28.41, - Yeah, just gotta settle up our tab. - I took care of it. 我们付清酒钱就行动-我付了
11:30.85, You said you were going to the restroom. 你说你去洗手间的
11:32.04, Ah! Can't trust a word out of this guy's mouth. 这家伙真是没一句真话
11:34.25, 20 years we've been falling for this. 都骗了我们二十年了
11:35.87, I-I'm sorry to interrupt, 我 我抱歉打扰一下
11:37.42, - but my dad never lied to you guys. - Mitchell... 但是我老爸从没骗过你们-米奇尔
11:39.83, No, he didn't even know until today 直到今天他才知道
11:41.11, - that he never made the hole-in-one. - Okay. 他从没打出一杆进洞-这下可好
11:42.78, But the fact that he couldn't live with himself 但是事实上他知道真相后
11:44.91, when he found out, 他受不了良心的责备
11:45.92, and he raced down here to confess to you, 马不停蹄地过来向你们坦白
11:48.41, that just shows the kind of man he is. 这就足以说明他是个真男人
11:50.46, He is a hole-in-one kind of man. 他是个一杆进洞型的男人
11:53.94, You never got a hole-in-one? 你从没打出一杆进洞
11:55.64, I didn't tell them. 我还没坦白呢
11:58.35, So this is the gang. 这么说 这就是你的兄弟帮哈
12:00.36, Introduce me. 介绍介绍呗
12:03.96, Ahh. Score! 中奖了
12:07.25, It's not like me and Miranda are perfectly suited. 我和米兰达好像不是天生一对
12:09.33, For one thing, she likes bad boys. 首先 她喜欢古惑仔类型
12:10.90, That's just not me. 我又不是
12:11.86, I'm gonna turn on some music. 我要开音乐了
12:13.86, I'm sorry. 抱歉
12:14.76, I can't unlearn how to treat a lady. 对女人温柔的本事我又甩不掉
12:16.75, But where does that leave me? 最后又会怎么样呢
12:17.88, Waiting till I'm 40 when she looks me up on facebook 等到了四十岁 她第一次离婚后
12:19.89, after a failed first marriage? 在Fackbook上找我吗
12:21.47, Okay. 好啦
12:23.68, What are you doing? 你在干什么
12:24.94, I'm sick of hearing you whine about Miranda! 我受够你对米兰达那些怨念了
12:26.99, - It's time to make her notice you! - But we can't! 现在去让她注意你-但我们没办法
12:29.25, We got a full tank of gas, and she's right down the block. 我们有一整箱汽油 她就住在街角
12:31.51, Now buckle up! 系上安全带
12:32.37, - Are you crazy? - You tell me. 你疯了吗-你说呢
12:48.95, Lily, what is this? 莉莉 这是什么
12:50.59, Wouldn't you rather have a chemistry set, 化学仪器玩具套装不是更好吗
12:52.55, or some flash cards? 或是看图识字卡
12:54.30, She's pretty. 她很漂亮
12:56.37, No, she's dirty. 不 她脏了
12:57.74, Look. Get the dirt. 来 把灰擦一擦
12:59.97, So let me wipe her off. 我来把她擦干净
13:02.56, Fix that. 搞定
13:04.64, Your braid's coming loose. Come here. 你的辫子松了 过来这儿
13:09.70, Fix that right up. 立马搞定
13:11.51, So I completed the examination. 我做了检查
13:14.18, She did really well. 她情况还不错
13:15.42, What's the prognosis? 诊断结果呢
13:16.58, We can fix most of her arm, 我们能大致修复手臂
13:18.53, but she'll never regain full mobility in her shoulder joint, 但她的肩关节无法完全恢复灵活度
13:22.49, because they don't make that part anymore. 因为工厂不再生产那种零件了
13:25.39, Well, that's pretty good, right? 挺不错的了 是吧
13:26.61, I mean, she'll look exactly the same. 至少看上去还是一样
13:28.37, No one will know. 没人会知道
13:29.12, I'll know. 我知道
13:31.93, I'm just saying I liked her the way she was. 我只是喜欢她以前的模样
13:33.56, She was such a sweet little doll. 多可爱的甜心娃娃
13:35.98, I'm sorry, doctor. 对不起 医生
13:37.12, I'm having trouble adjusting to all this. 我有点适应问题
13:38.99, Uh, dad, she's still a sweet little doll. 爸 她还是那个可爱的甜心娃娃
13:41.70, No, she's broken. 不 她已经"破"了
13:43.29, No, she's just changed a little. 不 她只是改变了一点
13:46.09, It happens. Dolls grow up. 生活就是这样 娃娃会长大的
13:48.10, Well, actually-- 事实上
13:49.39, - Uh, could you... - Yeah. Sure. 劳驾-当然
13:51.40, I actually have to go 我正要去
13:52.94, give a little girl some pretty bad news. 将噩耗告诉一个小女孩
13:58.60, So, Haley... 海莉
14:02.76, The thing is... 我想说的是...
14:05.06, Fact--Haley's almost 18. 其实 海莉已经快18了
14:07.33, Fact--I am the cool dad. 其实 我是个酷老爸
14:11.81, Haley, I understand that sex is a part of life. 海莉 我理解性是生活的一部分
14:14.49, I can't say that I'm thrilled to hear this, 虽然听到这个消息我并不开心
14:15.89, but I'm sure you're being safe, and I hope that you'll feel free 但我肯定你有注意"安全" 只要你乐意
14:18.50, to talk to me about this anytime. 随时都可以跟我谈论这个问题
14:23.73, We should... 我们应该
14:24.70, We should probably get Beatrice, like, 我们应该为碧翠丝打上
14:26.92, a-a cast or something, 石膏什么的
14:27.61, and we can all sign it. Yeah? 这样大家可以尽情涂鸦了
14:30.72, Uh, yeah. Sure. 当然 当然
14:32.29, Fact--I blew it. 其实 我说砸了
14:36.33, This repair's probably gonna take a little while. 修复工作可能还要一阵
14:38.07, Why don't you run up to the food court and grab us a table? 你去美食广场给我们找张桌子
14:40.02, I'll get Alex and Lily. 我去接艾丽克斯和莉莉
14:41.70, Okay. 好的
14:45.49, Do you want the counter or a booth? 要吧台位还是卡座
14:49.06, Whatever seems right to you. 你觉得好就行
14:53.04, I trust you. 我相信你
14:58.72, I have a cool dad. 我有个酷老爸
15:04.84, Okay. Your turn. 好 该你了
15:06.39, Unh-unh! No way! 不行
15:07.72, Do you wanna get her attention, or not? 你到底要不要她注意你
15:12.89, [柠檬水 五毛一杯 饼干 二毛五  
15:28.29, That was amazing! 太赞了
15:29.74, Did you see the look on Miranda's face? 你看到米兰达的表情了吗
15:31.60, [《末路狂花》女主角  
15:31.60, No. But you did good, Thelma. 没有 但你做得不错 西尔玛
15:34.16, Please stop calling me that. I hate that movie. 别这么叫我 我讨厌那电影
15:36.72, What movie? 什么电影
15:38.70, Uh-oh! Dead end! 天 到头了
15:40.67, You gotta make a u-ey. 你得调个头
15:41.80, I don't know how to do that. 我不知道怎么做
15:54.46, She pretended to have a headache, Cam. 她假装头疼 小卡
15:56.13, She doesn't want to spend time with me. 她不想和我在一起
15:58.07, Maybe she just wanted to be alone. 可能她只是想一个人待着
16:00.15, Why? 为什么
16:01.43, Because some people 因为有些人
16:02.58, really value their privacy, 非常重视隐私
16:05.03, and you have to respect that. 你必须得尊重这点
16:09.03, I have to go. 我得挂了
16:10.37, Hola, Claire! 好啊 克莱尔
16:12.39, Gloria, you've gotta stop doing that! 歌洛莉亚 你不能再这样了
16:14.58, Were you going back to the yoga class without me? 你想自己回去上瑜伽课 不带上我吗
16:17.49, No, that is not why I came back. 不 我不是因为这个回来的
16:19.68, I don't understand you. 真搞不懂你
16:21.14, Why you don't want to spend time with me? 为什么你不想和我在一起
16:23.10, Everybody wants to spend time with me! 所有人都喜欢和我在一起
16:25.01, Even the lady that did my nails 就连给我做指甲的女士
16:26.59, wants to take me to pilates. 都想带我去上普拉提课
16:28.16, I didn't come back here to do yoga. 我不是回来上瑜伽课的
16:30.14, I don't do yoga. It's a cover, okay? 我不做瑜伽 只是个掩饰 好吗
16:32.32, Look... 听着
16:34.23, I know that from the outside, 我知道在外人看来
16:35.83, it seems like I have everything together. 我生活美满 一切尽在掌握
16:37.86, No, not really. 不 我没觉得啊
16:40.03, My point is that my life can be very stressful. 我想说我有时压力很大
16:42.55, And I have found a way to cope with that stress. 我找了个放松的方式
16:45.44, And it's my little secret. And I'm not proud of it. 这是我的小秘密 我知道这不是什么光荣的事
16:48.26, Hey, Claire. See you inside. 你好 克莱尔 里面见
16:50.44, Is that what you do? 你是在搞外遇吗
16:52.50, No. No! 不 不是
16:54.84, Okay. You're coming with me. Come in. 好吧 你跟我进来 来
16:57.66, But listen to me. Gloria... 但听着 歌洛莉亚
17:00.42, It has to stay between us. 此事只能天知地知你知我知
17:02.83, This is my sacred space. 这儿是我的圣地
17:09.94, It's just such a great release. 浑身的压力都释放出来了
17:12.87, - Thank you for not judging me. - Why would I? 多谢你没用有色眼光看我-怎么会呢
17:15.01, If anything, it makes me like you more. 就算有 也是让我更喜欢你了
17:17.07, So how often do you come here? 你多久来一次
17:18.34, Not that often. No. 也不是经常来
17:20.46, Hey. 你好
17:22.16, Maybe a little often. 可能是有点小经常吧
17:23.34, That's so sad. 太可悲了
17:24.57, I live with four teenagers. 我有仨孩子加一幼稚老公
17:26.20, You live with two adults. 你家连儿子都那么成熟
17:27.41, - You have no idea... - No, no, no. It's so sad 你不了解-不不 我说你可悲是因为
17:28.51, that you come here so often 你经常来
17:29.81, and that's the best that you can shoot. 枪法就这水平
17:34.70, And that's with pretty nails. 指甲未剪 枪法也比你神勇
17:36.17, But improper stance. I... 但是姿势不对 我...
17:37.39, - Practice more. - Okay. 多练练吧-好的
17:39.11, Here you go, Ace... 你的酒 "高手"
17:40.86, I mean... What is your real name? 你真名叫什么
17:42.78, Jay.
17:45.96, - Dad, I-- - I told you, forget about it. 爸-我说了 别提了
17:49.26, All right. I-I just want you to know 好吧 我只想让你知道
17:52.21, I get why you're upset, okay? 我明白你为什么生气
17:54.26, That--that day you got the hole-in-one, 你打出一杆进洞的那天
17:55.58, it meant a lot to you. 对你来说意义重大
17:57.15, And... I... I marred it. 全被我破坏了
18:00.12, But it meant a lot to me, too. 那天对我也有重大意义
18:02.73, We had a steak dinner, you gave me my first beer, 我们吃了牛排大餐 你让我喝了人生第一瓶啤酒
18:05.45, and, uh... 而且
18:06.92, It was one of the greatest days we ever spent together. 那是我们一起度过的非常美好的一天
18:09.39, And it wasn't about some meaningless hole-in-one, 那天不应该是关于毫无意义的一杆进洞
18:11.42, it was about us. 而是我们的美好回忆
18:12.82, No. It was about a hole-in-one. 不 那天的意义就在于一杆进洞
18:15.82, Yes. Yes. A-a little bit, maybe. 是的 也许有一点关系吧
18:17.75, But mostly, it was about how we bonded. 更重要的是 我们父子的感情加深了
18:20.00, I thought I hit a ball straight from the tee 我以为我将球从球座击出
18:23.52, really, really far 飞了很远很远
18:25.67, into a tiny hole. 进了一个小洞里
18:28.11, Okay. 好吧
18:29.20, Well, when will I learn? 我又自讨没趣了
18:34.35, And it wasn't your first beer, anyway. 而且那不是你第一次喝啤酒
18:35.56, Yes, it was, dad, but I wouldn't expect you to remember. 是的 爸 不过我也不指望你能记得
18:38.74, It was your 14th birthday. 你14岁生日时
18:41.37, You asked me for a sip of mine. 你想喝一口我的啤酒
18:42.91, Your mom yelled at you in front of all your friends, 你妈当着你所有朋友的面吼你
18:45.10, said you were just a baby. 说你还只是个小屁孩
18:47.57, You ran outside in tears... 你含泪跑了出去
18:49.68, Which, unfortunately, supported your mom's argument. 不幸的是 以事实证明你妈是对的
18:52.63, Anyway, I came out with a couple of beers. 总之 我拿着啤酒出去
18:55.76, We drank 'em on the porch 我们在门廊里喝的
18:57.50, watching the storm clouds coming in. 看着头上乌云袭来
19:02.40, I had completely forgotten about that. 我完全忘记那事了
19:05.51, You know, you're-- you're unbelievable. 你真是不可思议
19:07.04, - Just when I peg you as some-- - Storm Stevens! That's it! 就在我觉得你是...-风暴·史蒂文 没错
19:09.99, Give me something. I'm gonna write it right here. 给我个可以写字的 我要马上写下来
19:11.62, Before I forget. "Storm Stevens." 免得我忘记了 风暴·史蒂文
19:16.34, What were we just talking about? Just now? 刚刚我们说什么来着
19:20.19, No? 没什么吗
19:22.25, Come on, Lily. Let's see if Beatrice is ready. 来吧 莉莉 去看看碧翠丝修好没
19:29.71, Hey, dad?
19:31.76, I know I'm way too old for this, 我知道自己已经不小了
19:33.47, but do you think I could get this doll? 可你能买这个娃娃给我吗
19:35.84, Her name's Genevieve, 她叫吉纳薇
19:36.68, and she's developing a vaccine for... 她正在开发一种疫苗
19:38.26, Yes, you can get the doll. 可以 我会买给你
19:39.31, You can get as many dolls as you want. 你要多少我就买多少
19:42.33, It's $200. 200块一个
19:43.54, Or one is fine. 一个就够了
19:48.23, I know you're here. 我知道你就在这屋子里
19:52.34, Hello. 你们好呀
19:58.69, I have a bad feeling about this. 我有个不好的预感
20:00.62, What if one of your neighbors saw us? 万一你的邻居看见了咱们怎么办
20:02.09, Maybe we should just confess. 我们还是老实交待吧
20:03.58, We will... 会的
20:04.79, in 20 years. 二十年后
20:06.27, Huh? 什么
20:06.97, You heard grandpa. There's a statute of limitations, 你没听外公说吗 诉讼有时效的
20:09.74, Which is a good thing 这可是件好事
20:10.97, because we still need to take Lily down. 因为我们还得把莉莉给灭了
20:13.29, Nah, let her be the cute one. 算了 "萌娃宝座"给她吧
20:14.93, We don't need that anymore. 我们不需要卖萌讨欢心了
20:16.27, We're bad boys now. 咱现在是古惑仔了
20:18.11, Yeah. I like that. 没错 这名号多响亮
20:20.90, Bad boys. 古惑仔
20:23.26, Your mom! 是你妈
20:30.05, Oh, my god. 天呐
20:31.85, Cam! 小卡
20:33.51, Um, this had a lid? 这个本来有盖的好吧
20:40.84, I'll see you guys later. I'm going to Abby's. 回见了 我去艾比家
20:42.81, Bye, honey. Have fun. 拜 亲爱的 玩得开心点
20:43.86, Have fun, you! With Abby! 玩得开心点 和艾比一起
20:47.60, We've confirmed Abby's a real person and a female? 确定有艾比这个人 而且是女生吗
20:49.59, Yes, sweetie. We met her. 是的 亲爱的 我们见过的
20:51.99, Honey, we can't treat Haley differently 老公 不能因为我们知道了海莉的事
20:54.71, just because we both know what we know about her. 就对她另眼相看
20:57.44, I know. I just need time. 我知道 我只是需要些时间适应
21:01.77, So Dylan told you? 迪兰告诉你了
21:03.53, Why didn't he tell me? He and I used to share everything. 他为什么不告诉我 我们以前可是无话不谈
21:06.57, You're upset about a lot of things. 别自寻烦恼了
21:08.93, Okay, I won't obsess over it. 好吧 我不再纠结就是了
21:11.67, I just wanna ask you one thing. 我只想问一件事
21:14.54, How long have you known? 你知道这事多久了
21:17.20, Three months. 三个月
21:18.91, So this giant thing happened to our first born, 我家大闺女发生了这么惊天动地的事
21:21.77, and you kept me in the dark about it for three whole months? 你却整整瞒了我三个月
21:24.97, I'm sorry. I just wasn't sure how you'd--okay. 抱歉 我只是不确定你能否接受
21:27.66, Thank you. 谢谢


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