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Beijing News Tokyo, November 12 (reporter Zhu Chenxi) The "Chinese Cultural Relics Return Movement Promotion Association" composed of Japanese intellectuals organized a rally in Tokyo on the 11th to demand the Japanese government to return cultural relics looted from China during the war.

中新网东京11月12日电 (记者 朱晨曦)由日本有识之士组成的“中国文物返还运动推进会”11日在东京组织集会,要求日本政府返还战争期间从中国掠夺的文物。

Inoue Ryo, editorial board member of the Japanese Economic News Agency, delivered a speech at the rally, telling the origin and related history of the Imperial Palace of Japan, where the "Tang Honglu Jing Monument" was stored. Because "Ofu" was used to store looted goods during the war, Inoue pointed out that the Japanese government deliberately played down this history.


Takakei Fujita, co-representative of the "China Cultural Relics Return Movement Promotion Association" and chairman of the Japanese "Succession and Development Murayama Talk Association", pointed out at the rally that Japan basically did not mention the issue of cultural relics plundered during the war after the war, which reflects that the conservative Japanese regime has not seriously reflected on its aggression, and he called on the Japanese government to return cultural relics looted from China during the war.


There has been a trend of returning looted cultural relics in the world, but Japan has barely mentioned returning looted cultural relics to China, which has a negative impact on Japan's reflection on its aggression and the development of Japan-China relations, Koketsu, a joint representative of the "China Cultural Relics Return Movement Promotion Association" and honorary professor of Yamaguchi University in Japan, said in an interview with Koketsu believes that Japan should face up to this history and return the looted cultural relics from China will help Japan reflect on its responsibility for the war. He hopes to achieve "historical reconciliation" through the return of cultural relics and promote the development of Japan-China relations.


The three stone lions of the Sanxue Temple in Haicheng, Liaoning Province were looted by the Japanese army and taken to Japan during the Sino-Japanese War, and are now in the Yasukuni Shrine and Aritomo Memorial Hall in Yamamoto Prefecture. On the same day, Xin Xiaoyi, director of the "China Cultural Relics Return Movement Promotion Association", introduced the situation of the visit delegation composed of members of the association to Liaoning Province, China, in August this year.


The founding purpose of the "Chinese Cultural Relics Return Movement Promotion Association" is to promote the return of Chinese cultural relics by Japan, achieve "historical reconciliation" between China and Japan, and further promote the development of bilateral relations.



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