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We all know that parrots are very clever animals. They are said to have the same level of intelligence as chim... [查看全文]


If you have small children in the house you know how stuffed animals can gradually take over. Well, that’s... [查看全文]


A mother and her small children faced a very tough choice when their car overheated and burst into flames on a... [查看全文]


Almost any picture you see of a koala, they are hugging a tree. It’s their classic pose. But did you kno... [查看全文]


A man was enjoying his day with friends at Toronto’s High Park the other day when one of them noticed so... [查看全文]


When we think of pets, we usually think of dogs, cats and maybe birds or hamsters. These days, however, many p... [查看全文]


Certainly you’ve heard about people with allergies to dogs or cats. But did you know it can go the other... [查看全文]


Wild monkeys are a problem for farmers in many areas in Japan. They often come out of the woods to eat the t... [查看全文]


The woolly mammoth was a very large elephant-like mammal that lived on Earth several thousand years ago. Some ma... [查看全文]


Hundreds of radioactive boars are roaming the towns of Fukushima. These towns were abandoned after the nuclear po... [查看全文]