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2018-12-04第85课:Being Alone in the House 独自在家

经典句子:I'm going to the grocery store. 我出去东西。You mean I have to stay home alone?意思是我要一个人待家里吗?Ch... [查看全文]

2018-12-03第84课:Travel by Air 乘飞机

经典句子:We will not pass security check with too many things.带太多东西是过不了安检的。Can I have a window seat? ... [查看全文]

2018-12-03第83课:Go by Train 乘火车

经典句子:I'll buy tickets on the vending machine. 我要在自动售票机上买票。Stay close to me.离我近点。Children free?儿... [查看全文]

2018-12-03第82课:In the Aquarium 在水族馆

经典句子:Have you ever seen the marine world? 你见过海洋世界吗?It seems wonderful in the books.书里看起来棒极了。Let... [查看全文]

2018-12-02第81课:Go to the Library 去图书馆

经典句子:I have no other books except this one. 我除了这本没别的书了。I want to read more. 我想读更多的书。Let's go... [查看全文]

2018-12-02第80课:In the Zoo 在动物园

经典句子:The little monkey is cuddling up to his mother. 小猴子搂着它妈妈。Can I give them some bananas? 我可以给... [查看全文]

2018-12-02第79课:Go to the Seaside 去海边

经典句子:I have three days off. 我有三天假期。Let's go to the seaside. 我们去海边吧。So we can play on the beach.... [查看全文]

2018-12-01第78课:Go Hiking 远足

经典句子:Put on your sneakers. 穿上运动鞋。Don't lag behind. 不要掉队。I’m too tired to walk on. 我累得走不动... [查看全文]

2018-12-01第77课:Go to the Movies 去看电影

经典句子:Would you like to go to the movies? 想看电影吗?Can I ask Jimmy to come together? 我能请Jimmy一起去吗?Th... [查看全文]

2018-12-01第76课:Walking in the Park 在公园散步

经典句子:There is a sign. 那有个提示牌。What does it say? 它写什么?Keep off the grass. 不要踩踏草坪。Perhaps the g... [查看全文]