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2018-11-20第39课:Play House 过家家

经典句子:I'll be Daddy, and you be Mommy. 我是爸爸,你是妈妈。I pretend to be the kid, OK? 我扮演孩子,好吗?The d... [查看全文]

2018-11-20第38课:On the Playground 在操场上

经典句子:I want to play on the swing.我想荡秋千。Wait your turn.排队等待。Now it's your turn.该你了。Are you ready?... [查看全文]

2018-11-19第37课:Paper Folding 折纸

经典句子:Guess what I'm making. 猜猜我在做什么。It's a paper frog.纸青蛙。Cut along the dotted lines.延虚线剪开。Cut ... [查看全文]

2018-11-19第36课:Bedtime 该上床睡觉了

经典句子:I'm exhausted. It's time for bed. 我累极了,该睡觉了。I'm not tired yet.我还不累啊。Mommy will read you a ... [查看全文]

2018-11-19第35课:Making a Snowman 堆雪人

经典句子:It's all white today. How beautiful!白茫茫一片,好美!Let's go out and make a snowman.我们出去堆雪人吧。It's... [查看全文]

2018-11-18第34课:Playing with Daddy 和爸爸玩

经典句子:When will daddy be back? 爸爸什么时候回来?Wanna (want to) call him? 要给他打电话吗?Do you remember daddy&... [查看全文]

2018-11-18第33课:Handicraft 做手工艺

经典句子:We need a pair of scissors, a glue stick and a carton.我们需要一把剪刀,一个固体胶和一个废纸盒。Cut out a ... [查看全文]

2018-11-18第32课:Drawing 绘画

经典句子:Get out the drawing paper. 拿出图画纸吧。Put on the smock.穿上这件罩衫。What do you want to draw with, cr... [查看全文]

2018-11-17第31课:Watching Cartoons 看动画片

经典句子:I kind of want to watch TV. 我有点想看电视。This TV series is not for kids.这个电视剧不适合孩子。Can you ... [查看全文]

2018-11-17第30课:Using the Elevator 坐电梯

经典句子:Go and call the elevator. 去摁电梯吧。Let me press the button. 让我摁按钮。The elevator is here. 电梯来了... [查看全文]