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Men who drive blue BMWs are more likely to be aggressive than motorists in any other car, a study claims.And t... [查看全文]


  The early bird really does catch the worm… but he saves it for dinner.  早起的鸟儿真的是在捉虫,但却在晚上才吃... [查看全文]


First impressions are hard to dislodge, new research finds. The good news is that people's snap judgments abo... [查看全文]

2014-02-21女子怀疑丈夫有外遇 盛怒之下将其阉割

She was cut to the quick so she cut it off.A woman sliced off her husband’s manhood in a fit of jealous... [查看全文]


Is It Time To Tell Your Secret?是时候说出心底的秘密了吗?Can you keep a secret?Of course you can -- if it's a... [查看全文]


Did you know that people without friends are more likely to die an early death? It’s true. Just ask scien... [查看全文]


A Brazilian mechanic has invented a way of lighting his house during the day without relying on electricity.Alfre... [查看全文]


Love. It makes the world go ‘round, right? Well, at least that’s the how the saying goes. But is it... [查看全文]

2014-02-20成功没有捷径 你做好长期奋斗的准备了吗?

So many people are in such a hurry to success that they eagerly take any shortcuts that come across their way.... [查看全文]


Dear Cutie-Pie,我的宝贝小甜心:Recently, your mother and I were searching for an answer on Google. Halfway through ... [查看全文]