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相关背景:3月11日日本的强震吸引了全世界的目光和关注,不断有各地新闻报出。日本的地名写成汉字,翻译成英文的时候会用罗马音。下面,小编带大家一起看看日本的地名吧。 Ho [查看全文]


North Carolina Its against the law to sing off-key. 唱歌走音是非法的。 Arizona Cutting down a cactus may earn you a twenty-five-year prison term. 砍下一棵仙人球可让你坐25年牢。 Arkansas Its illegal to mispronounce the [查看全文]


Almost one in three couples say finances cause the most stress in their relationship, and 91% of Americans surveyed find reasons to avoid talking about money with their partner and somebodu even hidden purchases from their partner, accordin [查看全文]


小编语: 一百多年前的今天,世界各地的妇女为了能享受与男人平等的权利,发起游行,迈出了历史性的一步。不论是哪个国家的妇女都为国家独立、解放、革命、建设作出了巨大贡献 [查看全文]

2011-03-05二月二 看宝宝理发百态

A litlle baby is having a haircut on the second day of the second lunar month. 副标题 A litlle baby is having a haircut on the second day of the second lunar month. 副标题 A litlle baby is having a haircut on the second da [查看全文]


小编提示:中国人有点迷信,尤其是在给新生儿取名的时候,很讲究阴阳,五行等原则。中国人的名字里都寄托着长辈对子辈的期望以及美好的愿望。 The Chinese are a bit superstitious, espe [查看全文]


Addressing Peers When addressing someone for any reason, it is expected that you address them with their official title. If they hold a position, such as 'General', then refer to them as that. If they do not, however, or if you are unaware [查看全文]

2011-03-02二月二 龙抬头

Legend has it that in ancient times a merciful dragon helped out villagers after hearing them pray for rain. However, as the dragon failed to get permission from the god of heaven he was imprisoned under a mountain. Since then, once a year [查看全文]


In the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC), there was a beauty in the State of Yue called Xishi (西施). She often suffered from pains in her chest, and so she would often walk around doubled over and with her brows knitted. There was an [查看全文]

2011-02-28游安徽 访古镇 登群山

Tianzhu Mountain(天柱山) is located within the boundaries of Qianshan county, Anqing city of Anhui province. Its highest peak is called Tianzhu Peak, because it's like a giant pillar reaching into the sky. There are 45 peaks, 17 ridg [查看全文]