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2014-02-18比伯负面新闻不断 美国民众请愿将其驱逐

  人气歌手Justin Bieber接连曝出一系列不当行为,美国民众到白宫网站上请愿驱逐bieber出境(deport),称其不仅危害我们的安全,还给青少... [查看全文]

2014-02-14法媒曝奥巴马婚外情 对象是歌手碧昂丝?

A French media firestorm has been circulating claims that Barack Obama and Beyonce are dangerously in love.法国媒... [查看全文]


比伯 [查看全文]


Pete Seeger, a Folk Revivalist Who Used His Voice to Bring Out a Nation’s皮特·西格,抗议的歌声从未停Pete Seeg... [查看全文]

2014-02-08LADY GAGA新专《ARTPOP》将中国发行

Lady Gaga has celebrated the upcoming release of her latest album in China.Lady Gaga庆祝新专辑得以在中国发行。The si... [查看全文]


Many Downton Abbey fans still angry about Dan Stevens' gruesome exit from the PBS miniseries have accused him... [查看全文]


The 25-year-old Australian actress’ The CW show The Originals returns from its winter hiatus TONIGHT! In our... [查看全文]


1.嫁给我吧(追随者合唱团)"Marry Me," by Train2.你和我(大卫马修合唱团)"You & Me," Dave Matthews Band3.天使杰克·杰克逊"Angel... [查看全文]


歌手:lady gaga曲目:lovegame (chew fu ghettohouse fix)let's have some fun, this beat is sicki wanna take a ride... [查看全文]

2013-09-05麦莉谈VMAs表演 自比麦当娜布兰妮

Her controversial performance at the MTV VMAs just over a week ago still has everyone talking.距离 Miley Cyrus ... [查看全文]