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2020-07-05现代英文选评:Rosie 露西姑娘

Rosie 露西姑娘William Van Buskirk (1922—?) 本文选自《新声:美国新作选》(New Voices: American Writing Today),1953年出... [查看全文]

2020-07-04现代英文选评:Natives Don't Cry 亨利小姐的信

Natives Don't Cry亨利小姐的信Kay Boyle (1902—1992)作者凯·博伊尔为美国现代女作家,生于明尼苏达州之圣保罗(St. Paul),曾在欧... [查看全文]

2020-07-03现代英文选评:A Visit to the Grandfather's Grave 扫墓

A Visit to the Grandfather's Grave扫墓James Turner Jackson本文选自Mentor Books(木铎丛书)出的New World Writing第一辑,... [查看全文]

2020-07-02现代英文选评:The Jersey Heifer 杰西牛

The Jersey Heifer杰西牛Peggy Harding Love (1920— )本文选自1951年的《奥·亨利奖金得奖小说集》。该集共收短篇小说二十四篇,颇... [查看全文]

2020-07-01现代英文选评:The Great Fire of 1945 一九四五年大火记

The Great Fire of 1945一九四五年大火记Margaret Shedd (1900—1986)本文选自《1947年奥·亨利奖金得奖小说集》(Prize Stories o... [查看全文]

2020-06-30现代英文选评:The Last Puritan 最后一个清教徒

The Last Puritan最后一个清教徒George Santayana (1863—1952)美国早期的移民,很多是英国来的清教徒,因此清教徒主义(Puritanism)... [查看全文]

2020-06-29现代英文选评:Two Mutes 两哑巴

Two Mutes两哑巴Carson McCullers (1917—1967)本文节录自长篇小说《心是个寂寞的猎者》(The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter,1940)的... [查看全文]

2020-06-28现代英文选评:Herb Gathering 采药

Herb Gathering采药Truman Capote (1924—1984)杜鲁门·卡波特是美国作家,本篇选自其所著长篇小说《草琴》(The Grass Harp,1951)... [查看全文]

2020-06-27现代英文选评:The Ballet Dancer 芭蕾舞家

The Ballet Dancer 芭蕾舞家Jane Mayhall (1918—2009) 本篇选自《1949年美国最佳短篇小说集》(The Best American Short Storie... [查看全文]

2020-06-26现代英文选评:The Life And Work Of Professor Roy Millen 米伦教授的生活与工作

The Life And Work Of Professor Roy Millen米伦教授的生活与工作Robert Penn Warren (1905—1989)本文作者罗伯特·潘·华伦像这... [查看全文]