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      Unemployment can bring on a range of emotions including anger and fear. If you have been unemployed forweeks or even months, it's not uncommon to eventually become bored.Unemployment also brings the gift of time, and if you play your cardsright, you can use the abundance of time in your day to learn newskills, network, or even change careers。


  If you are looking for ways to beatthe unemployment blues and take charge of your career, follow theseinexpensive suggestions. You'll grow as a person and keep your resumein tip-top shape。


  1. Study a foreign language


  Have you always dreamed of learning tospeak Spanish or French? Now is the perfect time to learn. There aredozens of language instruction books and audio programs available.Checking out books and CDs from your local library gets you access tolessons for free. If you learn better by being in a classroomenvironment, many local colleges and adult education centers offerinexpensive courses. Adding language skills to your resume will helpyou stand out, as more and more companies seek bilingual applicants。


  2. Volunteer for a committee


  Are you passionate about theenvironment or feeding the hungry? Volunteering for a committee is anexcellent way to give back to your community while working alongsideothers in a laid-back atmosphere. Look for committees that attractprofessionals in your industry so that you can make contacts.Committees meet anywhere from several months to a year or more --helping you form lasting relationships. Be sure to add your volunteerwork to your resume. Serving as a chair will showcase your leadershipskills to potential employers。



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