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[05:49.34]A little bulky, but good balance of style, accessories, and puff pieces. 内容有点多 但很好地平衡了各种 风格 附刊和宣传广告
[05:57.45]You didn't get in, did you? 你没进去 是吗?
[06:00.32]l have to go e-mail Daniel his itinerary for tomorrow. 我得去给Daniel发封邮件 告诉他明天的行程
[06:03.26]Sientate. Why do you do this to yourself? 坐下 Betty
[06:06.59]l keep telling you, those places aren't for people like us. 你为什么要这样对待自己 唔?
[06:07.18]我不断地告诉你 那地方不适合我们这种人待
[06:09.86]Hilda! Please, just... don't. Hilda 请你…
[06:16.30]OK. 好吧
[06:17.84]OK, look, lf this is so important to you, let me help you. 好吧 如果这对你真的这么重要的话
[06:22.38]- How? - How?! - 让我来帮你吧? - 怎么帮?
[06:23.81]l am the top-selling Herbalux sales associate in my district. 怎么帮!
[06:27.35]And all because l know how to sell myself. 而且最重要的是 我知道怎样推销自己
[06:29.98]The hair, the face, the clothes. You gotta look it to be it! 发型 面妆 服饰
[06:33.65]- That's the Herbalux way. - Thanks, but l don't think so. 你得好好研究研究 这就是Herbalux的方式
[06:35.17]谢谢 但我可不这么认为
[06:39.69]Betty, mama, Betty 我的小姐
[06:42.30]you wanna fit in with these people, l got news for you... 你想适应这个圈子?
[06:44.24]我告诉你 他们是不会改变的
[06:47.17]...they're not gonna change. Uh-huh. You have to.
[06:52.27]l'm gonna get chocolate sauce. 我去拿点巧克力酱
[07:12.53](speaking in Spanish)
[07:35.65]Hey! 嘿 你也早上好
[07:37.22]- Good morning to you, too. - You know what the doctor said.
[07:40.29]He already took my cigars. One cup of coffee isn't... 你知道医生说什么了吗
[07:43.22]Sorry, have you been going to medical school on your lunch hour? - 只是一杯咖啡而已 - 哦 抱歉
[07:46.46]Take this seriously. This is your heart. You take your pill? 爸爸 你得严肃点对待这个问题
[07:49.73]l only have a few. Trying to make 'em last. 是你自己的心脏
[07:51.93]- Dad. Take it. We'll get a refill. - All right. l'm taking it. - 我希望能维持得久一点 - 爸爸 吃了它
[07:54.83]好吧 我吃 我吃
[07:56.57]You know, l actually think l'm making some headway on this HMO thing. 我觉得我在卫生维护组织的问题上
[08:00.31]l finally got a real person on the phone yesterday 有些进展了
[08:00.56]我昨天终于找到人工客服 而不是愚蠢的电话录音了
[08:03.01]instead of some stupid recording.
[08:06.91]l had to wash it down with something. 我得喝点东西把药冲下去
[08:24.67]You didn't stay long last night. 昨晚你没待很久
[08:26.63]No, sorry. l had to wake up early for the conference call to Milan, 抱歉 没有
[08:28.47]我得早起准备 今天与米兰的电话会议
[08:30.30]and then go over the Keira shoot proofs, 然后再检查一下Kiera Shoot的校样
[08:32.57]and then approve the models for the Paris spread. 还得挑选巴黎发表会的模特
[08:35.71]lt's 9:1 5. 才9:15
[08:37.25]Well, someone's gotta hold this magazine together, Bradford. 总得有人把这份杂志整合在一起 Bradford
[08:41.45]l mean, Daniel is trying, but some people are just naturals. 我是说 Daniel已经尽力了 但是 有些人天分只有如此
[08:47.26]Don't worry. l've got his back. 别担心
[09:03.54]Excuse me. l'm sorry. 借过
[09:06.17]Don't you look... sweaty. 抱歉
[09:08.31]l've been in the archives. Daniel wanted all these back issues. 出这么多汗?
[09:11.91]Mm-hmm. Well, we missed you at the party last night.
[09:15.38]What happened? Sale at the 99 Cent store? 发生什么事了 去99分商店的大甩卖了?
[09:19.85]No, l... l couldn't get in. 不是 我…
[09:22.19](gasps) Are you serious? Oh, you poor thing. 我没能进去
[09:25.56]Those jerks at the door. 哦 可怜的家伙
[09:27.36]All they seem to care about is appearance. 注重的只有外表
[09:32.27]Look, it's all about appearance. That's all Alex did to hudson. 瞧 全是表面功夫
[09:35.74]He changed the font, the layout, hired some trendy photographers, 这就是Alex为“Hudson”带来的全部理念
[09:36.30]他改变了字体 排版 雇用那些流行的摄影师
[09:39.41]and my father thinks he's some kind of hero. 而我父亲就认为 他是个英雄
[09:41.78]l can do these same things to Mode. 我也可以对“时尚”做到同样的事情
[09:43.64]But, Daniel, your first issue was a big success. 但是 Daniel 你的第一期杂志 是个巨大的成功
[09:46.31]- My nephew loved it. - lt wasn't my issue and you know it. 我侄子很喜欢
[09:48.52]那不是我做的杂志 你知道的
[09:50.18]Wilhelmina chose every designer, every article. 我的意思是 每一位设计师 每一篇文章 都是Wilhelmina选的
[09:53.02]l just signed my initials to lots of memos, l... 我只是在许许多多的备忘上签上大名
[09:58.46]That's gonna change. 要来点改变才行
[10:01.33]Set up a staff meeting for Monday, all department heads. 周一召开全体会议--所有部门的负责人 再去查一下我父亲的日程
[10:04.83]And work around my father's schedule.
[10:06.93]l want him there, too. 我希望他也出席
[10:08.34](footsteps approaching)
[10:10.04]Two words. Fa-boo. 两个字- Fa boo
[10:12.67]lt's for that breast cancer thing at the Plaza. 是为了在Plaza 为乳腺癌患者举办的活动
[10:15.18]And who's the lucky plus one? 谁是幸运的特邀嘉宾?
[10:17.81]- The senator's in town. - l thought breast cancer was pink. 参议员来了
[10:21.35]lt is, but Alzheimer's went better with the outfit. 是的 但这件外套跟阿滋海默症更搭
[10:25.09]What? l'm supporting, that's what counts. 怎么了?
[10:28.06]Zip me. What do you want anyhow? 我支持它 这才是关键所在
[10:30.93]Conference room. And it's good. 不管怎样 你想要什么?
[10:31.50]会议室 很不错的
[10:34.40]Here are all the models that Alex worked with. 这是所有和Alex合作过的模特 还有我找到了他用过的字体
[10:36.86]And l found that font style that he used.
[10:39.50]Also, l brought all these photographers' books. 嗯 还有 我把这些摄影师的作品集 都带来了
[10:42.67]This one right here. This is my favorite. He's amazing. 这个 是我最喜欢的
[10:45.64]He's shot everyone from, like, Madonna to the Dalai Lama. 他很厉害
[10:46.02]他给各种各样的人拍照 比如说从Madonna到达赖喇嘛
[10:48.74]Yeah, this is Vincent Bianchi. 他是Vincent Bianchi…
[10:50.81]- And he'll never work for us. - Well, why not? 他决不会给我们干活
[10:53.75]When he worked with Alex they got in this blow-up. 为什么?
[10:56.32]He thought Alex was a fraud, Alex thought he was a temperamental artiste. 他觉得Alex是个骗子
[11:00.02]He vowed never to work for Meade again. 他发誓再也不会为Meade出版做事
[11:02.39]But, Daniel, you're not Alex. 可是Daniel 你不是Alex
[11:04.86]lf my brother, the wunderkind, couldn't make it work, l doubt l'd be able to... 听着 如果我哥那样一个青年才俊 都搞不定这件事 我就得怀疑自己…
[11:09.00]Look, let's just see who else is here, huh? 看看除他之外还有谁吧
[11:14.97]Tweedledee and Tweedledumpy have been in there for two hours 这两个笨蛋
[11:18.27]going over back issues of hudson. 已经在那儿查过期的“Hudson” 有两个小时了
[11:20.61]Now, he's trying to actually rip off his own dead brother. 现在… 他居然想方设法 剽窃他那死去的亲哥哥
[11:24.58]Oh, my God, it couldn't be any easier 哦 真是天助我也 如果给他一把枪 他就会对准自己的脚
[11:27.08]if l gave him the gun and he aimed it at his foot.
[11:37.79]The police released Fey Sommers' car to a scrap metal yard a week ago. 一个礼拜前警方就把Fey Sommer的车 扔到了一个废金属处理场
[11:41.66]How come it's taking you so long to find out where it is? 为什么你花了那么长时间才找到?
[11:44.83]Location info's private, 地点是对外保密的 何况地处三州交界 那儿有超过142个废物场
[11:46.33]and there's over 1 42 salvage yards in the Tri-state area alone.
[11:50.77]Why don't you go back to your building and make magazines, 为什么不回你的待楼待着 做你的杂志 让我干我的活?
[11:53.84]- and let me do what l do. - You better do what you do quickly. 好 你最好干得利索点
[11:56.91]The grease monkeys in the garage can't spell their own names, 修车场的工人虽然不会拼自己的名字 但他们很快就会知道有幕后操纵
[12:00.18]but it won't take much to figure out the steering was tampered with.
[12:05.12]And l don't care how good you think your work is. 我可不管你觉得自己干得有多漂亮
[12:14.60](woman) What are we drinking to? 我们为了什么而举杯?
[12:16.96]To a father who realizes his child will never compare to the one he lost. 为一个明白眼前的孩子 永远没有失去的那个好的父亲
[12:21.57]And to a son who knows he'll never measure up, no matter how hard he tries. 为一个知道无论他有多努力 都无法达标的儿子
[12:27.71]lt's practically Shakespearean. 真有几分莎士比亚的味道
[12:30.98]As long as there's this wedge between the two of them, 只要他们之间有了磕磕碰碰 他们的关系肯定破裂
[12:33.98]their relationship is doomed.
[12:35.85]Daniel's time at the magazine, and, ultimately, the company, Daniel待在杂志社的时间 乃至在公司都会被限制
[12:39.22]will be limited.
[12:40.82]Well, perhaps it's time l drive that wedge a little deeper. 或许是时候让矛盾扩大些了
[12:46.79]What would Daniel think if he were tipped off 如果向Daniel透露点 关于他亲爱的爸爸的事 他会做何感想?
[12:49.60]as to what his dear old father were capable of?
[12:53.03]- (exhales heavily) - (both chuckling)
[13:02.81]Hey, what if we shrink the magazine down 嘿 如果缩小杂志尺寸 女士们很容易 就能把它装进手袋 这个主意怎么样?
[13:05.05]so women can fit it in their purses easier?
[13:14.32](sighs) See, now Alex would've made that. 听着 要是Alex还在的话
[13:18.06]He should be the one doing this, not me. At least my father would be happier. 在这儿的肯定是他 不是我
[13:22.03]lf your father didn't think you could do this, why'd he give it to you? 至少我爸爸也会高兴点
[13:22.31]如果你爸爸认为你干不了 那为什么他要让你来接管?
[13:27.77]Was this Kung Pao chicken or orange beef? 这个是…
[13:31.71]Well, after five hours, Daniel, l don't really think it matters. 已经过去五个小时了 Daniel 我 我认为那无关紧要
[13:37.34]Know what next Saturday is? 你知道下个礼拜六是什么日子吗?
[13:38.91]The Harvard-Yale game. Biggest college football game of the year. 是哈佛和耶鲁的比赛
[13:42.48]You want me to try and get you tickets? 要我帮你搞到票子?
[13:44.55]Every year since we were kids my father would take Alex to that game. 你知道吗 从孩提时代起 爸爸他每年都会带着Alex去看比赛
[13:48.12]lt was their thing. He never once invited me. 那是属于他们的 他们的比赛
[13:55.16]You know, l actually thought after Alex died he was gonna ask me to go. 我以为Alex死了 他就会邀我去 可是…
[14:03.37]lt's OK, l'm used to it. Every parent has a favorite, right? 这没什么 我习惯了
[14:05.78]所有的父母 都有偏爱的孩子 不是吗?
[14:08.98]- Well, you know, my dad doesn't. - Sure he does. 嗯 我爸爸不会这样
[14:12.08]l mean, they all do. 他当然会
[14:13.55]Sometimes it's a... something small, but you can see it, you know? 我的意思是他们都会那样
[14:14.24]有时候是一些很小的事 但你还是可以感觉到 不是吗?
[14:17.99]They smile a little brighter when one of you walks in the room. 他们会对其中一个笑得更甜一点…
[14:23.09]Laugh a little louder when one of you tells a joke. 会为其中一个讲的笑话 笑得更多一点
[14:39.81]Good morning! 早上好!
[14:41.14]Justin, you're not gonna make me late! Justin 今天你可别让我迟到了
[14:43.24]- What time did you get in last night? - l don't even remember. 昨天晚上你什么时候回来的?
[14:46.45]Daniel's going through stuff with his father... 我自己都不记得了
[14:49.08]Justin! Oh, my God. Justin!
[14:54.32]What? 怎么了?
[14:57.09]Hilda, do you ever think about... Hilda 你有没有想过在我们中间 爸爸他有比较偏爱的孩子?

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