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[15:00.73]...Dad and us and... you know, if he has a favorite?
[15:05.13](chuckling) Yeah, l think so. 有啊
[15:07.33]- You. - You! 你
[15:09.47]You're right up there between Tito Puente and his nose hair clippers. 是你
[15:09.87]得了吧 对他来说你就是 “捧在手里怕碎了 含在嘴里怕化了”
[15:14.28]l am gonna kill that kid. Morning, Papi. 我要杀了那小子
[15:16.78]You didn't get in till three. Why are they keeping you so late? 早上好 爸爸
[15:20.41]My boss is trying to change the magazine. 他们干吗留你到这么晚?
[15:20.67]我老板正试着对杂志做些改变 我得看完那些摄影作品集
[15:22.62]l still have to go through these photographers' books.
[15:25.59]They're working you too hard. You tell 'em you want a raise. 他们给你派的活太重了
[15:28.76]OK, Dad. 告诉我你是不是想升职
[15:29.82]- Vincent Bianchi. - Yeah, he's really amazing. 好了 爸爸
[15:30.28]Vincent Bianchi?
[15:33.16]He ended up making it as a photographer, huh? 没错 他实在是太厉害了
[15:35.60]- l thought that kid'd end up in jail. - What are you talking about? 真糟糕 我一直认为 那小子会进监狱
[15:39.17]Vinnie Bianchi. He grew up over on Grand. 你在说什么啊?
[15:39.25]Vinnie Bianchi - 含着金汤匙出生的家伙
[15:41.37]- His family owns Astoria Lemon lce. - He grew up four blocks from here? 他们家是开Astoria冰柠檬茶店的
[15:45.37]His old man's always going on about his kid's pictures. 是啊 他老子总是对那小子拍的照片 跟人唠叨个没完
[15:48.38]He's got a bunch of them hanging on the wall in there. 他在那儿整整挂了一墙的照片
[15:51.15]Dad, l have to go. 爸爸 我得走了 我爱你
[15:52.71]- l love you. - l love you, too! 我也爱你
[15:56.78](Betty) Put down the coffee! 把咖啡放下!
[16:02.39]- (phone ringing) - (humming)
[16:05.26]Hello? Hey! Someone? 喂?
[16:07.83](phone continues ringing) 嘿 有人吗!
[16:10.13]Can someone get that? 谁来接下电话!
[16:11.73](rock music plays)
[16:15.20]Does anybody else work here? 没人干活了吗?
[16:20.24]Bianchi Gallery. Bianchi画廊
[16:21.58]l'm not sure if you can help me, but l'm trying to reach Vincent Bianchi. 嗨 嗯 不知道你能不能帮我个忙 我想找Vincent Bianchi
[16:25.28]You got him. 我就是
[16:26.35]Oh, OK. Wow. l wasn't expecting this... 哦 嗯 哇喔 我真没想到
[16:29.62]Um... l thought l was gonna have to leave a message.
[16:32.72]You wanna call back? 我以为我只能留个口信
[16:33.85]- l could let the machine pick up. - No! No, no. No. 你要再打一次吗? 我可以打开留言机
[16:35.39]不! 不 不 呃 不要
[16:36.96]OK, Mr. Bianchi, l am a really big fan of yours. 呃 Bianchi先生 我是你的忠实粉丝
[16:41.10]That cover shoot you did for Rolling Stone... Wow, that was amazing. 你为滚石乐队拍的封面照 - 哇喔 简直太棒了
[16:45.43]Thank you. You have excellent taste. How can l help you? 哦 谢谢 你很有品味
[16:48.50]Well, l'm calling about your availability for a magazine shoot... 找我有什么事吗?
[16:48.91]呃 事实上 我想问你能不能 帮一本杂志拍些照片
[16:52.21]You gotta go through my rep for that, Sheila Cordova. 嗯 你得跟我的经纪人 Sheila Cordova联系
[16:55.18]She handles me for print work. OK? 她负责我的平面出版事务
[16:57.31]You know, you and l, we went to the same high school! 你跟我 - 我们上过同一所高中
[16:59.81]Huh? 皇后区高级中学 对不对? 93级的
[17:00.88]Queensborough High, right? Class of '93?
[17:03.28]Do l know you? 我认识你吗?
[17:05.22]No, no, no. We didn't go at the same time. 不 不认识 我们不是同一届的
[17:07.76]Actually, my name is Betty Suarez. Class of 2002. 其实我叫Betty Suarez 2002级的
[17:11.16]But, it turns out that you and me, we grew up four blocks from each other. 不过那说明你跟我 - 我们住的很近 仅仅相隔四个街区
[17:14.93]- l live off of Roosevelt. - You're a Jackson Heights girl, huh? 我住在罗斯福附近
[17:18.10]- Uh-huh. - You don't say. 真的啊
[17:19.70]l practically live at Astoria Lemon lce. 我很喜欢喝Astoria的冰柠檬茶
[17:21.94]You know that doughnut place two blocks down? That's where l grew up. 你知道卖甜甜圈的地方吗? 再过去两个街区
[17:25.81]l worked there every summer in high school and it burnt down. 那就是我长大的地方
[17:25.63]我 - 每个夏天都去那儿打工 直到那儿被火烧了
[17:29.18]Now it's a deli. lt's pretty good, but... 现在那儿是家食品店 也很不错 不过…
[17:31.38]- Not as good as Sal's though, huh? - On 87th? 没Sal's好 对吗?
[17:33.81]Oh, my gosh, like the best sausage and pepper hero on the eastern seaboard. 87年开的那家?
[17:34.00]哦 真糟糕 那里有东海岸 最棒的胡椒香肠无敌三明治
[17:37.85]Just the smell of those could get me high. 嗯 没错 光是味道就能让我很high
[17:40.05]l haven't thought about those in a long time. 我很久都没想过那些事了
[17:42.46]So, Betty Suarez, OK, you've got me hungry and curious. Betty Suarez 你把我的馋虫 都引出来了…还有好奇心
[17:46.63]What is this job you wanted to talk to me about? 你要跟我谈的是什么工作?
[17:49.13]Well, l work at Mode magazine and my boss, Daniel Meade, was wondering... 我在时尚杂志做事 我老板 Daniel Meade想 - 喂?
[17:53.40]- (dial tone buzzes) - Hello?
[17:56.60]The senator will be picking me up here for the luncheon on Monday. 礼拜一参议员会接我去 参加一个午宴
[18:00.37]Before then, l want my commendations framed and hung. 在那之前 我希望我的奖杯都用 镀金的白冰铜框裱好
[18:03.88]Avanti classical gold with a white matte.
[18:06.18]White matte. 白冰铜
[18:07.31]Put the Clio and the Women ln Publishing on the credenza. 把克莱奥女神和侍女雕像 放在书柜上
[18:10.78]Call Phillip, order two dozen cherry black calla lilies for the coffee table. 打电话给Phillip
[18:12.31]每张咖啡桌上都要摆 两捧马蹄莲和百合
[18:17.06]Those are his favorites. 这些都是他最喜欢的
[18:22.30](imaginary applause)
[18:24.67]- Thank you. - (Wilhelmina) Marc!
[18:28.54](reggaeton music plays)
[18:36.14](man whistles)
[19:03.67]- (Bradford) Bradford Meade. - l found it. Bayonne Salvage Yard. 我是Bradford Meade
[19:05.08]我找到了 - 在Bayonne废弃场
[19:07.64]Did you get rid of it? 弄妥了吗?
[19:09.04]- Not gonna be as easy as l thought. - Why not? 跟我想的不太一样 有点难度
[19:12.18]Open your e-mail. l sent you a present. - 怎么了? - 看看你的电子邮件
[19:17.72]''You can own fashion guru Fey Sommers' death car.'' “你可以拥有致使时尚教主 Fey Sommers死亡的车子”
[19:20.85]Sick punks selling it to the highest bidder. 一个变态渣子要把它卖给出价最高者
[19:31.87]See, l'm trying to get the magazine to attract a hipper, 我要让杂志能吸引一个有嘻哈精神 和更多时尚感的女人
[19:35.44]more fashion-conscious woman.
[19:37.70]They were out of poppy seed, l got you onion. 没罂粟籽了 我加了洋葱
[19:40.14]OK, you're at the newsstand, 500 covers in front of you, 设想你在报摊 有500本杂志对着你
[19:43.38]- which one grabs you? - Bathing suit. 哪一种封面能吸引你?
[19:45.51]- lt's fresher. - Definitely. And neon is in. 泳装的 比较养眼
[19:46.79]没错 还有霓虹灯
[19:48.55]l really like the gown. lt's very Cinderella. 我很喜欢这件礼服
[19:51.75]Yeah, listen, could you get some cream cheese for that? 穿着就像个灰姑娘
[19:52.54]好了 听着 你能弄些奶油干酪来吗?
[19:54.96]So l'm trying to get this font... 这样一来…
[19:58.63]l was trying to go for something cool and sexy. 就可以试着用这种字体
[20:01.26](phone rings)
[20:08.60]Daniel Meade. Daniel Meade
[20:11.04]Who's calling? Betty? 你是?
[20:14.58]Vincent Bianchi's on line three. Vincent Bianchi的电话 在三线… 找你的
[20:16.48]- For you. - Really?
[20:19.88]Hello? 喂?
[20:22.15]Oh, you did? l'm so glad. 哦 你真的吃了
[20:25.32]Well, you know, l thought that it was probably a while 我太高兴了
[20:26.04]我只是 我只是觉得也许你很久 没去Sal's吃东西了 所以…
[20:28.32]since you've gotten down to Sal's, so...
[20:30.56]Are you serious? 你说的是真的?
[20:32.89]Oh, my God, that would be so wonderful, Mr. Bianchi. 哦 天啊 那真是太棒了 Bianchi先生
[20:37.63]OK, Vincent. 好的 Vincent
[20:41.00]Oh, yeah, yeah. That was my boss who picked up. Hold on. 哦 对 没错 是我老板接的电话 等一下
[20:44.07]He loved the sausage and pepper heroes that l sent him. 他说他喜欢我给他的 胡椒香肠无敌三明治
[20:47.07]He though l had cojones. l'll explain later, go pick up the phone. 他觉得我勇气可嘉 待会儿再跟你解释
[20:56.52]Well... 嗯…
[21:00.39]l don't really don't know what you did, or how sausage and peppers helped, 我不太清楚你做了什么 或者说胡椒香肠 三明治起了什么作用 不过…
[21:04.49]but thank you. We're having lunch on Monday.
[21:06.30]谢谢 我们约好礼拜一一起吃午饭
[21:10.06]Would you like me to set up a reservation? 那要我预定餐厅吗?
[21:12.27]Yeah. Actually, see if you can get us a table at Madison Six. 当然 你看看能不能 在Madison Six订张桌子
[21:15.44]And make it for three. He asked that you come along. 要三个座位的
[21:19.41]What? Wait, wait, wait. He asked for me? 什么?
[21:22.31]Oh, and maybe we could both... dress up a little on Monday. 等等 他邀请了我?
[21:22.57]哦 或许我们两个都该…
[21:32.09]l think he meant natural fibers, sweetie. 宝贝 我想他是让你 打扮得原生态一点
[21:37.02]Come on, Christina, there's gotta be something. 快点 Christina 帮忙挑件衣服
[21:39.73]A sweater, or a jacket... 毛衣还是外套?
[21:42.43]l can't walk in there looking like me. 我不能像现在这样去赴约
[21:46.33]- You look fine. - But you're not Vincent Bianchi. 你这样很好
[21:48.97]He's expecting one of these ''28th floor girls.'' 可你不是Vincent Bianchi
[21:49.79]他期待的是一个 像“28楼的女孩”一样的人
[21:51.54]Since when did you wanna look like them? They're not even real! 那么说你想变得像她们其中之一?
[21:54.88]Real women snort when they laugh, they've got fat arses, 她们又何尝是真实的!
[21:57.91]wobbly upper arms, and get PMS. l thought you wanted to run a magazine, 她们的屁股很大 手臂线条也不紧实 还会有月经前期综合征
[22:02.05]not spend 1 2 hours a day wonderin' about what your hair's doin'. 我以为你想将来创办自己的杂志
[22:05.49]Yeah, but this job is the only chance l have of ever getting there. 没错 可这个工作是我 实现梦想的唯一机会
[22:09.02]l was in Daniel's office earlier and he wanted the opinion of a Mode girl. 今天我在Daniel的办公室
[22:12.86]He didn't look at me. 他看都不看我一眼
[22:14.73]You honestly think that l have any future here 如果我一点都不试着改变的话
[22:17.33]if l don't at least try to change? 你真的觉得我会有什么将来吗?
[22:21.07]Never mind. 当我没说
[22:35.08]Betty? What are you doing? Betty你在干什么?
[22:38.35]What's going on? 发生什么事了?
[22:41.92]l work in an office full of Glamazon women who are all six feet tall 我工作的办公室里 全是用Glamazon的女人
[22:45.43]and perfectly waxed. That's what's going on. 她们都很高挑 容光焕发
[22:51.10]- Glamazon? - Never mind. Glamazon?
[22:55.04]Hey, come here. 嘿 过来
[22:59.51]Since when does that kind of stuff get to you? 从什么时候 这开始困扰你了呢?
[23:03.38]Hey! Amor, you are so beautiful... 嘿
[23:05.43]宝贝儿 你非常漂亮
[23:08.58]Dad, stop. Please, don't even try that. 爸爸 别说了
[23:09.99]拜托 不要再这样说了
[23:11.52]- No, and you have such a big heart... - And stop it with the ''big heart!'' - 你知道的 而且你心胸宽广啊 - 不要再说什么心胸宽广了
[23:15.42]The speech didn't work when l was cast as a rock in the school play, 这话没用
[23:19.96]and when l was sitting at home with you and Mom on prom night. 或者你和妈妈去舞会 而我一个人在家的时候
[23:23.16]- And it's not gonna work now, so... - You'll always be my special girl. 都和现在一样不起作用 所以…
[23:24.98]Betty 你一直是我的最特别的女孩
[23:27.87]You know that. 你知道的
[23:34.67]Just so you know. 正是那样 你知道了
[23:36.34]You were a really terrific rock. 你那时是块非常棒的石头
[23:44.58]- Dad, don't forget to take your pill! - OK! 爸爸 不要忘了吃药
[23:51.53]- See? - Shut up. 看到了?
[23:55.43]Just help me. 帮帮我
[23:57.66](* Los Ninos de Sara: La Cubanita)
[24:03.67]She has a two o'clock with Cholli! 她和Choli两点有约
[24:07.87]l have a two o'clock with Jean-Luc. 我和Jean-Luc两点有约
[24:11.14]- Mama! - Cholli! 小姐们!
[24:14.16]嗯 Choli…
[24:17.65]So, what are we thinking today? 今天 你在想什么呢?
[24:21.76]Something befitting an editor in chief. 适合总编辑的东西
[24:24.89]No! You get the job? 不是吧?!
[24:27.46]Soon. Very soon. 你得到那工作了?

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