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[24:31.53]So do you think you could really make me look like this? 你觉得 你真的能把我弄成这样吗?
[24:34.50]Honey, you sit back and relax and let Cholli do her thang. 甜心 你就休息会 放松点 然后就让Choli做她能做的吧
[24:39.24]We gonna need the big tweezers. 我们需要大号的镊子
[24:45.85]Yes! (cackling)
[25:00.09]Thank you. 谢谢
[25:15.68](gasps) Perfect. 完美
[25:18.51]- (Betty) Are you sure l look like this? - Baby, you look better! 你确定我像这个?
[25:20.66]宝贝 你更漂亮
[25:35.10](* Shakira: hips Don't Lie)
[25:53.48]Betty? Betty吗?
[25:55.18]Dude, how could you have broken up with her?
[25:57.58]She's hot! 她 她很性感
[26:02.52]- Me? - Oh, yeah! 我吗?
[26:04.42]Really? Thank you! 真的?
[26:20.61]- Penthouse, please. - Yes, sir. 顶层 谢谢
[26:22.30]好的 先生
[26:34.39]Oh, Mr. Meade. Hi! How are you? 哦 Meade先生 嘿
[26:37.82]- l'm Betty. Daniel's assistant. - Oh, yeah. 你好
[26:38.05]我是Betty Daniel的助理
[26:42.13]You look... taller. 哦 是的 是的
[26:45.80]Thank you. 高了(双关语: 太夸张了)
[26:52.67]Excuse me. 借过
[26:57.34]l have to call you right back. 我马上给你回电话
[27:04.58]Betty! Betty
[27:07.79]l think l just found my new screensaver. 哦 哦
[27:10.26](phone rings)
[27:12.46]Daniel Meade's office. Daniel Meade办公室
[27:15.30]Excuse me, who's calling? 对不起 哪位?
[27:18.50]Just one second. 请稍等
[27:21.70]- Yeah? - There's a woman on line two 嗯?
[27:23.60]who won't tell me her name, but she wants to talk to you Daniel 2号线有位女士 不愿意告诉我她的姓名
[27:26.51]- about your father. - Get rid of her. 但是她说她想和你谈谈你的父亲
[27:28.48]No. Wait. 哦 随便打发了
[27:30.64]Daniel Meade here. 我是Deniel Meade
[27:32.41](woman) Hello, Daniel. l just finished your first issue. 你好 Daniel
[27:36.78]- You should be very pleased. - Who is this? 你应该感到很高兴
[27:40.65]Oh, that's not important right now. 哪位?
[27:40.64]哦 现在 这个不重要
[27:43.99]The real question is: how well do you know your father? 那真正的问题是 你对你爸爸了解多少?
[27:48.40]- Excuse me? - Do yourself a favor. 对不起?
[27:51.16]Ask him what he's been up to at the Bayonne Salvage Yard. 问问他 他在Bayonne废料厂做了什么
[27:54.67](phone hangs up)
[28:00.14]What the hell is that supposed... Whoa. 他妈的什么意…
[28:03.74]- Look at you. - Yep! 看看你啊
[28:06.78]You told me to dress up for our lunch today. 对
[28:09.52]And dress up you did. Yeah. 嗯 你的确打扮了
[28:13.89]l was thinking, maybe we should call Madison Six, 你知道吗? 我想…
[28:16.56]see if they have a table in the back, so we can have privacy with Bianchi. 也许 我们该给Madison Six打电话
[28:17.99]这样呢 我们就能和Bianchi 安静点地吃午餐了
[28:20.83]- OK. - Great. 好的
[28:35.44]- Have you seen her yet? - Yes, l did. 你看到她了没?
[28:38.68]And it looks as if Queens threw up. (scoffs) 嗯 看到了 看着让人想吐
[28:45.05]He should be quite impressed. 他一定会印象深刻的
[28:48.15]Ooh. Someone got their hair did. 有人做头发了啊
[28:53.33]So l'm pitching we go for an entire redesign. 所以呢 我想用个爱尔兰新设计
[28:56.26]Splashier colors, bolder looks. Overhaul the entire layout. 更让人瞩目的颜色 更粗犷的外形…
[29:01.30]lt can be a whole new Mode. 这将是个全新的“时尚”
[29:03.40]Stop using the, you know, same old models. 不再使用那些老一套的模特了
[29:05.77]Get cutting-edge photographers, more interesting writers. 找些先锋的摄影师
[29:09.11]Do we really need another editorial on eating disorders? 我是说 我们是不是真的还需要 一个有关进食障碍的主笔呢?
[29:18.02]Now, l happen to be having lunch today with Vincent Bianchi to discuss... 现在…
[29:18.78]我要去Vincent Bianchi吃午饭 来讨论…
[29:22.32]Vincent Bianchi? You expect him to do a spread for Mode? 是Vincent Bianchi吗?
[29:25.33]You know his history with the company. Your brother couldn't work with him. 你知道他和公司的历史的
[29:29.36]Why do you even try? 你干吗还要去试?
[29:34.03]Because he's one of the best. 因为他是最好的一个
[29:35.77]And l think l can persuade him to consider it. 而且我想 我能让他考虑一下的
[29:38.97]Daniel, l, for one, Daniel 我个人认为 这个主意太棒了
[29:40.14]think it's wonderful you've taken such initiative with the magazine. 你对这个杂志是如此的有进取心
[29:44.14]But some of these changes you're suggesting... 但是你建议做的一些改变…
[29:46.95]Let me put it this way. 我们这么说吧
[29:48.88]Sometimes change is a positive thing, and then sometimes... 有时候 改变是很积极的事
[29:51.92]但是有时候呢 又可能会失去控制
[29:53.45]Well, they can spin out of control. You start with a simple redesign,
[29:57.32]and, all of a sudden, before you know it, 然后突然
[29:59.83]you're talking about ''bold new colors,'' and a ''daring new look,'' 说什么粗犷的新色彩 还有…
[30:04.53]and the truth is you haven't really improved on a thing. 大胆的新外形 事实是
[30:08.70]- Wilhelmina. - l'm just saying... - Wilhelmina - 我只是说…
[30:11.07]...change isn't always for the better. 改变并不是总能变好的
[30:13.31]ln some cases, it can make a bad situation even worse. 有时会适得其反
[30:16.94](indistinct chattering)
[30:40.33](knocking on wall)
[30:42.24]This is the ladies' room. 这是女卫生间
[30:44.37]l wanted to make sure you were OK. 我想看看你还好吗
[30:46.41]lt's just another day at Mode. 这只是在“时尚”的又一天而已
[30:48.68]You can't listen to a thing Wilhelmina says. She's a jerk. 你不要听Wilhelmina说的
[30:52.78]No, Daniel, l'm the jerk. 她是个蠢货
[30:52.67]不是的 Daniel
[30:55.01]Thinking that fake nails and a new hairdo 我才是蠢货
[30:58.12]could actually make a difference on someone like me. 新发型 就能让像我这样的人 完全的改变
[31:01.12]OK, yeah, look... 好吧
[31:04.72]嗯 听着…
[31:08.46]l don't know what l'm supposed to tell you. 我不知道该怎么说
[31:11.06]This is the way this place works. 这就是这里运作的方式
[31:14.07]lt is a fashion magazine. 这是个时尚杂志
[31:16.37]Appearance... lt means something here. 外貌 在这还是有点作用的
[31:19.91]l know. 我知道
[31:23.64]Listen, l know you're gonna feel a whole lot better after our lunch. 听着 我知道 吃过午饭后 你会感觉好多的
[31:28.48]You can order anything you want. 你想吃什么就点什么
[31:30.32]- l don't... l'm not going. - What? No, no, you have to go. 不 我不去了
[31:34.45]Betty, Bianchi wants to meet you. 不 不 你一定要去的
[31:34.95]Betty, Bianchi想见你
[31:36.49]You're the reason this lunch's happening. 因为你才会有这顿午餐
[31:38.73]Daniel, he doesn't even know who l am. Just take Amanda. Daniel 他根本就不知道我是谁
[31:42.30]lt's like you said, appearance means something. 带上Amanda吧
[31:42.36]就像你说的 外貌在这是有用的
[31:45.40]- She'll fit right in at Madison Six. - Betty, come on... 她和Madison Six更搭调
[31:48.67]Daniel, just go, you're gonna be late. Betty 去吧
[31:48.62]Daniel 去吧
[31:52.34]And don't forget the proposal. 还有 不要忘了拿计划书
[32:03.78](door opens, closes)
[32:12.23](door opening) 说到时间
[32:13.29]About time. How long does it take to put on makeup? 你补个妆要多久?
[32:17.66]Well, l also had to fix my hair. 我也要打理一下头发的
[32:20.93]l thought you were Amanda. l didn't know you'd be joining us. 我以为你是Amanda
[32:24.97]Afraid l might botch things up with Bianchi if l were on my own? 怕我一个人去会 和Bianchi重修旧好?
[32:28.37]Let's just say that l had a sudden craving for the quail at Madison Six. 就当是我突然 很想吃Madison Six的鹌鹑吧
[32:37.85]OK, ''Betty Suarez'' is here. 好的
[32:39.08]Betty Suarez来了
[32:41.39]Shall we? 可以走了吗?
[32:59.57]He called. He's running late to pick you up. 他打电话了
[33:03.34]Well, a senator's life can never be called his own. 嗯 一个参议员的生活 永远不可能自己安排
[33:06.85]Be sure to meet him downstairs to escort him up. 到楼下去接他 并把他护送上来
[33:17.56]Vincent, Daniel Meade. Sorry we're late. Vincent 我是Daniel Meade
[33:19.66]No problem. 对不起 我们迟到了
[33:20.73]Just killing time trying to figure out what these five forks are for. 没关系
[33:20.95]我正在猜这五个叉子是干什么的 非常能消磨时间
[33:24.50]- Bradford Meade. - l remember you, yeah. 我是Bradford Meade
[33:27.53]- And this is... Betty Suarez. - (chuckles) Hola! 这是Betty Suarez
[33:36.48](hushed laughter)
[33:54.53]- The quail here is excellent. - Quail. 这儿的鹌鹑非常棒
[33:57.96]Could you hear them in the old neighborhood 鹌鹑
[33:58.45]如果它们看见我们在这种地方 在老街坊周围就听不到它们了
[34:00.30]if they saw us in a place like this?
[34:04.30]- Carbs. No. - (Daniel clears his throat) 碳水化合物
[34:10.04]But... who cares about carbs when you're from Queens, right? 但来自Queens区的人 谁会在乎碳水化合物呢?
[34:16.38]Excuse me. l'm gonna need a very large glass of wine, please. 对不起
[34:21.82]ls this color peach or salmon? 这是桃色还是浅红色啊?
[34:24.56]Marc, will you cover my phones for me, please? Marc啊!
[34:26.99]- Daniel forgot the proposal. - l'll bring it to the restaurant. Marc 你能帮我接下电话吗?
[34:27.35]- Daniel忘了建议书 - 哦 我送到饭店去吧
[34:30.43]- l'll take it to him. lt's my job. - Come on. 不 我要亲自送去 这是我的工作
[34:32.70]They won't even let you past the host at Madison Six. 哦 算了
[34:32.20]他们连Madison Six的前台 都不会让你过去的
[34:35.47]- Just let me. l got it. - Marc! Give it to me. 给我吧 我去送
[34:36.70]Marc 给我!
[34:38.81]l can't hit your boss, but l can hit you, 我没法打你的老板 但是我可以打你!
[34:40.91]and everybody knows l'm from Queens so l will do it! 而且大家都知道 我来自于Queens地区 所以呢 我会那么做的
[34:45.18]Thank you. 谢谢
[34:54.69]So, none of the girls looked like you when l went to Queensborough High. 我上QueensBorough高中的时候 可没见过像你这样的女孩子
[34:59.76]Hey, does Mrs. Rodriguez still teach there? 嘿 Rodriguez夫人还在那教书吗?
[35:03.70]l'm gonna say... 我要说…
[35:07.80]...she died. 她死了
[35:21.31]So... you're still just a creative director? 你还只是个创意总监
[35:27.42]Yes, Daddy. 是的 爸爸
[35:30.52]Shall we? 可以走了吗?

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