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2022-07-15儿童英语笑话 吹口哨 Blow a whistle

043 吹口哨 Blow a whistleScott and his dad were onboard a train. His dad asked him not to stretch his head ou... [查看全文]

2022-07-14儿童英语笑话 胳膊怎么断了? How s your arm broken?

042 胳膊怎么断了? How s your arm broken? David went to school with his arm in plaster bandage. His... [查看全文]

2022-07-13儿童英语笑话 小花招 A small trick

041 小花招 A small trickOne woman took a walk with her two-and-a-half-year-old daughter, and started chatting with... [查看全文]

2022-07-12儿童英语笑话 谁的爸爸最快? Whose father is the fastest?

040 谁的爸爸最快? Whose father is the fastest?Three children were arguing whose father is the fastest. The first ... [查看全文]

2022-07-11儿童英语笑话 我妈妈也把我放在手推车里面 My mom also put me in stroller

039 我妈妈也把我放在手推车里面 My mom also put me in stroller While I sat in the reception area of my... [查看全文]

2022-07-10儿童英语笑话 最好的证据 The best evidence

038 最好的证据 The best evidenceA boy was bragging to his classmates,"Once my father accidentally fell into a riv... [查看全文]

2022-07-09儿童英语笑话 那是我的儿子 That's my son

037 那是我的儿子 That s my sonIt's every airplane passenger's nightmare—getting stuck near a crying baby. I was ... [查看全文]

2022-07-08儿童英语笑话 我在练习吹喇叭 Practicing my trumpet

036 我在练习吹喇叭 Practicing my trumpetMy sister had been ill,so I called to see how she was doing. My ten-year... [查看全文]

2022-07-07儿童英语笑话 终生的惩罚 A life⁃time punishment

035 终生的惩罚 A life⁃time punishmentEven though I'm in my 30s I still stop by my parents' house to mow their... [查看全文]

2022-07-06儿童英语笑话 预见 Prediction

034 预见 PredictionThe teacher asked David,"What will happen if someone loses his left ear"David answered,"He will... [查看全文]