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2019-08-14CNN News: 稀土元素

10 Second Trivia. On the Periodic Table, 17 elements are classified as what? Halogens, Noble... [查看全文]

2019-08-12CNN News: 英国首相梅宣布辞职

On Friday British Prime Minister Theresa May announced she would resign as her nation's l... [查看全文]

2019-08-11CNN News: 美印第安纳州要求所有高中生参加入籍考试

Ten Second Trivia. Who is the chief justice of the United States: John Roberts, Mike Pompeo,... [查看全文]

2019-08-10CNN News: 卢克•彼得森 CNN小英雄

A student from Farmington, Minnesota is making news for his work to help a classmate who wa... [查看全文]

2019-08-09CNN News: 登上月球第一人

10 Second Trivia. What was the name of NASA’s last manned mission to the moon? Luna I... [查看全文]

2019-08-08CNN News: 珠穆朗玛峰是以谁的名字命名的?

10 Second Trivia. The world’s highest peak, Mt. Everest is named for whom? A British s... [查看全文]

2019-08-07CNN News: 桑德拉的故事

REPORTER: Sandra came to Australia from Fiji in 2006 to work as a housekeeper. A week aft... [查看全文]

2019-08-06CNN News: 澳大利亚——世界上最干燥的大陆

Ten-second trivia:10秒快速问答What is the driest inhabited continent on Earth?地球上最干燥的有人居... [查看全文]

2019-08-05CNN News: 博茨瓦纳取消大象狩猎禁令

We start today in Southern Africa. A change has been made in the nation of Botswana, and i... [查看全文]

2019-08-02CNN News: 优步

Ten second trivia, which of these is not the name of a transportation network company that ... [查看全文]