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Taiwanese Susan Boyle Sings 'I Will Always Love You' Better Than Whitney Houston In case you haven't already seen it, this video of a man s... [查看全文]


A Taiwanese shop worker dubbed Little Fatty told of his shock Thursday at becoming a Susan Boyle-like o... [查看全文]


So much has been made of the chemistry among the judges this season on American Idol. Paula Abdul is gone, Ellen DeGeneres is in an... [查看全文]


Dannii Minogue signs deal for new autobiography... but it could be a while before you get your hands on it   丹妮 米洛准备出一本新... [查看全文]

2010-04-02苏珊大妈过寿 收礼收到手发软

  As far as birthday presents go, it sounds too good to be true. But when you have friends like Simon Cowell perhaps it is only... [查看全文]


以一曲《生命之杯》走红的著名拉丁歌手瑞奇•马丁出柜了。本周一,他在微博上公开承认自己是同性恋,并表示做回真正的自己感到很快乐。马丁的性倾向多年来一直被... [查看全文]

2010-03-11gaga很火 保镖很凶

She may be adored by fans around the world, but the over-reaction of a member of Lady Gaga's security team to one eager youngster... [查看全文]

2010-02-26Lady Gaga变身麦田稻草人

Lady Gaga——再多的语言都无法形容的女人,这次现身全英音乐大奖,着实又让世人震惊了一把。不过一位农场主却因此突发灵感,想出了保护麦田的好点子,是什么呢?  Anyone ... [查看全文]

2010-02-22Lady Gaga最新发型雷人不倦

时尚雷母教主Lady Gaga近日为其与天后碧昂斯联手   The pop star recently released official images from her new video with Beyoncé called "Tel... [查看全文]

2010-02-21Lady Gaga成名启示录

注意那个为格莱美进行开场表演的女人。 Pay attention to that woman opening the Grammys.    在格莱美的颁奖典礼上,Lady Gaga和埃尔顿•约翰(Elton John)... [查看全文]