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Foreign property investment by Chinese companies plunged by 84 per cent last month, as Beijing’s capital con... [查看全文]


Paramilitary police have been deployed in a town in the western Chinese region of Xinjiang after a clash that l... [查看全文]


Police in Malaysia have arrested a second woman as they hunt for suspects over the murder of the brother of No... [查看全文]


Kuala Lumpur police yesterday made a third arrest as they hunted for Kim Jong Nam’s killers.正在追捕刺杀金正... [查看全文]


What looked like a coup for Russia in interfering in the US election is backfiring. Moscow’s electoral hack... [查看全文]


Apple was an early pioneer in the digital distribution of music and video with the iTunes store. But will it b... [查看全文]


China has banned coal imports from North Korea until the end of 2017, the Ministry of Commerce said on Saturday... [查看全文]


US President Donald Trump on Monday named Lt General HR McMaster as his national security adviser, after Michael... [查看全文]


The rise in the sea level will change the morphology of the Italian coasts over the next 80 years, a study fo... [查看全文]

2017-02-26特朗普再度信口开河 这次惹怒的是瑞典

President Donald Trump's baffling remark about Sweden on Saturday was apparently based on a Fox News segment ... [查看全文]