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2015-06-10One mighty angel 不好意思,性格萌到大家了……

In recent box office hit Love on the Cloud, Hong Kong star Angelababy goes on a blind date with someone she m... [查看全文]

2015-06-10《越狱》启动重拍 米帅有望回归

If latest reports turn out to be true, 'Prison Break' stars Dominic Purcell and Wentworth Miller may feat... [查看全文]

2015-06-10Back to comics’ darkest city 哥谭:重返《蝙蝠侠》的黑暗之城

It’s the same Gotham with the same familiar characters: Bruce Wayne, cat Selina Kyle, Penguin Oswald Cobblep... [查看全文]


  了不起的盖茨比_英文_英语_了不起的盖茨比用英语怎么说:  了不起的盖茨比  [电影] The Great Gatsby  了不起的盖茨比的英文... [查看全文]

2015-06-10Comic classic returns 永远的哆啦A梦

Many from Asian countries can remember wishing they had their own Doraemon in their childhood. The manga characte... [查看全文]

2015-06-10Inside the den of wolves 直入狼窝——电影《狼图腾》里的看点与槽点

For moviegoers who are animal lovers and people who yearn for a connection with nature, Wolf Totem is highly re... [查看全文]

2015-06-09China sees first case of respiratory virus 中国首例MERS患者背后

On May 29, the Chinese public was put on alert by a notice issued by the National Health and Family Planning ... [查看全文]

2015-06-09Reality stars get amped and active 明星真人秀沸腾起来

Reality TV shows are raising the bar for celebrities. Being skilled in singing, dancing, or cooking is not enoug... [查看全文]


  Professor Stephen Hawking, the physicist, would consider assisted suicide if he felt he had nothing more to c... [查看全文]


  阳光下漫天飞舞的蝴蝶,可曾让你记得那追逐嬉戏的岁月?天真的笑脸好似花儿,引得蝴蝶流连忘返!儿童节到来之际,愿你永驻花般笑颜!儿童... [查看全文]