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2015-02-21希腊将兑现反紧缩承诺 按期结束欧盟救援计划

ATHENS — As pressure grows on Greece to reach adeal with its international creditors and avert fearsthat it wil... [查看全文]

2015-02-21美国最赚钱的企业 依然是油企

It is stunning that Apple managed to sell 74msmartphones in the fourth quarter of last year. Theresulting profit,... [查看全文]


The world's first self-destructing novel is being offered by James Patterson.世界上第一部自毁小说问世,作者是美国作... [查看全文]


A team of scientists from University of Freiburg in Germany are developing a shoe with a sensor to automatically... [查看全文]


Farmers claim to have grown onions that do not cause tears when chopped or leave diners with bad breath.农民称已... [查看全文]


When little Myla Lawrie was brought home from hospital four months ago, a veritable sea of pink greeted her, wi... [查看全文]

2015-02-20商务女性在沙特出差 如何寻找变通之道

WOMEN traveling to Saudi Arabia often raiseeyebrows there, and Michelle Obama was noexception.去沙特阿拉伯旅行的西方女... [查看全文]


Chinese property developer Dalian Wanda has wonan auction for Infront Media, the Swiss group led bythe nephew of... [查看全文]


Couples who decide to get healthy together are more likely to be successful, suggests a new study.一项新研究显示,... [查看全文]


Handwriting is dead, long live keyboard skills!书写已逝,键盘技能万岁!So says the Finnish education system. From 2016... [查看全文]