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2015-01-29"赫敏"——艾玛沃森变身迪斯尼公主 将出演美女与野兽

Actress Emma Watson is set to receive a makeover as a Disney princess after landing the role of Belle in the ... [查看全文]


When a director’s style remains entirely consistentwith each successive film, it’s only natural that you... [查看全文]


《好莱坞报道》圆桌会议(Hollywood Reporter Roundtables)日前邀请颁奖季几部热门影片的男主角座谈,畅谈演员生涯的感悟和在电影行业中经... [查看全文]

2015-01-29朴泰桓药检阳性 和孙杨成难兄难弟

South Korea's four-time Olympic swimming medallist Park Tae-hwan has failed a dope test, local media reported ... [查看全文]

2015-01-28《X战警》将出美剧版 预计2016开播

X-Factor may be a part of Fox’s future.FOX电视台打算开发《X战警》。Fox entertainment chairman Gary Newman confir... [查看全文]


As China’s film industry has grown, so too has the number of lemons it’s produced.随着中国的影视业不断壮... [查看全文]


Franklin Roosevelt once said: "As long as our country has Shirley Temple, we will be all right.When the spirit ... [查看全文]


  各大美剧冬歇归来之后,2014-2015秋季美剧档即将进入尾声,各大电视台也开始纷纷宣布获得续订的美剧,今天给大家送上目前最全的美剧新... [查看全文]


Grey's Anatomy star Patrick Dempsey, 49, and his wife, makeupartist Jillian Fink, have announced they are spli... [查看全文]

2015-01-27憨豆先生重返荧幕 3月迎来特别剧集

The funnyman, who revealed this weekend that he is selling his £8million F1 Maclaren supercar, will revive ... [查看全文]