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2017-11-14CNN News: 重雾霾袭击新德里

In the Southeast Asian country of India, exhausts from old cars and motorcycles, pollutions f... [查看全文]

2017-11-13CNN News: 美国失业率刷新2000年年底以来低位

The unemployment rate, the share of the American labor force that doesn`t have a job is low... [查看全文]

2017-11-10CNN News: 特朗普警告朝鲜:不要低估我们 不要试探我们

Today`s show starts in eastern Asia, where a recent speech by U.S. President Donald Trump wa... [查看全文]

2017-11-09CNN News: 正在发生巨大变革的沙特

This is an absolute monarchy. Its crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, was appointed by his fa... [查看全文]

2017-11-08CNN News: 特朗普开启亚洲行 13天访问5国

U.S. President Donald Trump is on a 13-day trip to five countries. In order, it includes st... [查看全文]

2017-11-07CNN News: 恐袭后纽约马拉松如期举行 就是要表明一种态度

Yesterday, during service at the First Baptist Church, police say a man entered the building... [查看全文]

2017-11-06CNN News: 美国税改议案出炉 将大幅降低企业所得税

First subject today is tax reform. Major changes to the U.S. tax code haven`t been made for... [查看全文]

2017-11-03CNN News: 自911事件以来 纽约最严重袭击案

We resume our daily news coverage today, but our first story appears to be related to yeste... [查看全文]

2017-11-02CNN News: 坚如磐石行动

Our focus today is on something called Operation Inherent Resolve. This is an international e... [查看全文]

2017-11-01CNN News: 美国总统特朗普的前竞选经理遭指控

I`m Carl Azuz for CNN 10.我是卡尔·阿祖兹,欢迎收看CNN学生新闻。An American businessman, lawyer an... [查看全文]