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David Cameron arrived at the Group of Sevensummit in Japan on Wednesday and added his voiceto pressure on China... [查看全文]


Donald Trump on Thursday reached the number of delegates needed to clinch the Republican nomination for president,... [查看全文]


双语新闻 中国女演员杨颖--更为人知的是其艺名Angelababy,近日成为美国野生救援组织最年轻的公益大使。该协会是一个重点关注减少野生动物产品需求的环保组织。 [查看全文]

2016-06-02双语新闻:王者范的猫船长 一张神烦脸火遍全球

英语双语新闻:王者范的猫船长 一张神烦脸火遍全球 与这艘游艇的船长干杯可能要用一杯牛奶,而不是含酒精的饮品,因为有一只猫在掌舵。 [查看全文]


A regular trim or treatment at the hairdresser is part of the beauty regime of women the world over. But for ... [查看全文]

2016-06-02阿里巴巴接受美国证交会调查 Alibaba comes under investigation by SEC

Alibaba, the US-listed Chinese ecommerce group, is being investigated by the Securities and Exchange Commission for... [查看全文]


  Samsung Electronics Co Ltd has struck a partnership withChinese payment service Alipay, to expand Samsung Pay ... [查看全文]

2016-06-01高考招生计划调整引发中国民众抗议 China university quota cuts prompt protests

Protests against changes to China’s university admission system spread to a fourth province yesterday as auth... [查看全文]

2016-06-01空巢不再空,“千禧一代”如今更愿意和父母住 Millennials’ Roommates Now More Likely to Be Parents Than Partners

The empty nests are filling up: For the first time in modern history, young adults ages 18 to 34 are more lik... [查看全文]

2016-06-012016高考:73所野鸡大学曝光 其中北京上海居多

距2016高考还有半个月,新一批的野鸡大学被曝光。 [查看全文]