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2013-02-28BBC News:日本拆楼无噪无尘新技术适用于密集城市

Hi, welcome to a new week of CNN student news.I'm Carl Azuz.First up today, a little history in the making... [查看全文]

2013-02-27BBC News:美国一餐厅爆炸引发大火 多人受伤

First up today on CNN student news.JJ's restaurant, in Kansa city Missouri, closed early on Tuesday.There are... [查看全文]

2013-02-25BBC News:牛肉汉堡惊现马肉 丑闻波及欧洲多国

Welcome to CNN students news.Products being pulled off shelves, authorities running to investigations, some shoppers... [查看全文]

2013-02-22CNN News :美国枪支管制问题引发广泛讨论

Welcome to the special 360 town hall,Guns under Fire" from the George Washington University in the nation's c... [查看全文]

2013-02-21CNN News :巴基斯坦中枪少女表示正在康复

Hi, welcome to CNN Student News, most of you are watching the show in classroom, it's just part of your re... [查看全文]

2013-02-17CNN News :欧足联开始规模空前的假球调查

A stunning new report has revealed that hundreds of matches at the top level of European football were fixed.Ama... [查看全文]

2013-02-16CNN News :奥巴马总统希望更严厉枪支管制措施

First on CNN student news today, this is Hadiya Pendleton, 15 years old and honor student at her school in Chi... [查看全文]

2013-02-06CNN News :巴西全国为夜总会大火遇难者哀悼三天

I was at the door of the club as soon as the fire started.当火灾发生的时候我正在俱乐部的门口。I saw people shoutin... [查看全文]

2013-02-04CNN News :巴西夜总会发生大火造成近百人伤亡

InDecember,2009,156peoplediedinanightclubfireinRussia.2009年12月,156人死于俄罗斯夜总会火灾。Januaryof2009,62peopleinBangkok,2009年... [查看全文]

2013-02-01CNN News :美国国防部长宣布取消女兵地面作战禁令

I'm Anderson Cooper, welcome to podcast, the feelings, in facts about lifting the ban on women in combat, as... [查看全文]