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2014-09-07CNN News:车牌扫描器到底涉不涉及个人隐私泄露问题?

License plate scanners - they are intended to keep crime off the road. A police sergeant sa... [查看全文]

2014-09-06CNN News:英国已经直接对库尔德军队提供武器支持并把威胁级别提升到了第四等级

Welcome to CNN STUDENT NEWS. Current events without commercials for middle and high school st... [查看全文]

2014-09-05CNN News:美国军方击中索马里青年党领袖 生死尚不清楚

Welcome to CNN STUDENT NEWS. Current events without commercials for middle and high school st... [查看全文]

2014-09-04CNN News:美国有线网络电台对关押在北朝鲜三名美国人进行采访

Whether it`s your first day of school or you`ve been with us the past few weeks. Thank you... [查看全文]

2014-09-03CNN News:美国警告称俄罗斯不撤出乌克兰军队的话将对其采取经济处罚

Another conflict U.S. officials are watching is in Ukraine. It`s a nation divided between Eas... [查看全文]

2014-09-02CNN News:美国就准备打击ISIS恐怖组织组织会议讨论

First up, the U.S. is looking for support in fighting ISIS, it`s a brutal terrorist organiza... [查看全文]

2014-09-01CNN News:加沙地区以巴冲突不断的原因

In the latest conflict that began in July Hamas has been blamed for firing 3500 rockets tow... [查看全文]