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2014-09-30CNN News:阿富汗两位领导人宣誓就职共同治理阿富汗

It`s the last day of September. The day Robinson Crusoe was said to be shipwrecked. My name... [查看全文]

2014-09-29CNN News:美国首位非裔司法部长辞职

Fridays are awesome. So are jobs, chocolate and football. They are all featured today on CNN... [查看全文]

2014-09-27CNN News:奥巴马在联合国大会上呼吁全世界参与到对抗IS恐怖主义行动中

It`s great to have you watching CNN STUDENT NEWS. My name is Carl Azuz, a commercial-free c... [查看全文]

2014-09-26CNN News:美国正在单独针对呼罗珊恐怖组织展开打击行动

The U.S. is at war with ISIS, and that`s not the only terrorist group America is targeting... [查看全文]

2014-09-25CNN News:联合国大会在纽约召开 会议议题广泛

Hi. I`m Carl Azuz. Welcome to CNN STUDENT NEWS. And the first official day of fall. Today,... [查看全文]

2014-09-24CNN News:苏格兰公投结束,苏格兰人民拒绝脱离英国独立

Get your passports. This Monday we are hoping from Southern Asia to Europe, back to Southeas... [查看全文]

2014-09-23CNN News:苏格兰举行独立公投

It`s good to have you watching CNN STUDENT NEWS. First up, Scotland, home to more than 5 m... [查看全文]

2014-09-22CNN News:奥巴马承诺美国军队不会卷入伊拉克对抗ISIS组织战争

Welcome to ten minutes of current events with no commercials. This is CNN STUDENT NEWS. I`m... [查看全文]

2014-09-19CNN News:萨克拉门托东部埃尔多拉多国家森林发生大火,起火面积达到8600英亩

Today on CNN STUDENT NEWS, the last space shuttle launch in 2011 was a blast from the past... [查看全文]

2014-09-18CNN News:加利福尼亚巴哈地区遭飓风“奥迪尔”袭击

Welcome to ten minutes of current events from middle and high school classrooms. I`m Carl Az... [查看全文]