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2017-01-01CNN News: Space X

The head of SpaceX, a space exploration company, is laying out a plan for humans to coloniz... [查看全文]

2016-12-30CNN News: 日本男子在下巴上平衡26个交通椎

We brought you a lot of video lately from the recent Guinness World Records day and here`s... [查看全文]

2016-12-29CNN News: 美国大学生贷款:下一个债务泡沫?

来自于1201One hundred eight billion dollars, that`s the amount of student loan debt that the ... [查看全文]

2016-12-28CNN News: 这家海上「灯塔旅馆」——煎锅塔

The Frying Pan Tower is about 35 miles off the coast of North Carolina. It was a U.S. Coa... [查看全文]

2016-12-27CNN News: 阿勒颇的重要地位

Why is Aleppo so important in Syria?为什么阿勒颇对于叙利亚如此重要?Aleppo is the commercial hub ... [查看全文]

2016-12-26永不放弃 为自己的梦想而战

As you know, if you`ve been watching our show, there`s another side to news we love to sho... [查看全文]

2016-12-23CNN News: 日本男子在下巴上平衡26个交通椎

We brought you a lot of video lately from the recent Guinness World Records day and here`s... [查看全文]

2016-12-22CNN News: 猫鼬

Before we go, they`re not mere cats. They`re meerkats and they`re pretty darn cute if you f... [查看全文]

2016-12-20CNN News: 奶奶篮球联盟

Ending today`s show, courtside. In eastern Iowa, the Dubuque Courtside Cuties are members of ... [查看全文]

2016-12-19CNN News: 首次在琥珀中发现恐龙尾巴

All right. Next story, at an amber market in the Asia country of Myanmar, which is also kn... [查看全文]