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2012-06-30CNN news:社会名流争相成为素食主义者

Tonight we are adding anyone who isn't a vegan.Now like many people I resist vegan,as mo... [查看全文]

2012-06-18CNN news:热带风暴Beryl在美国北卡罗来纳州海岸形成

If you go to the "Spotlight" section on our home page, you'll see a link to something ... [查看全文]

2012-06-15CNN news:埃及学生将蜘蛛送入宇宙轨道

It may not ever have made a trip into space, but Enterprise is still making history.NASA re... [查看全文]

2012-06-15CNN news:美国威斯康辛州州长面临罢免选举 纪念诺曼底登陆68周年

Very nice job by the Scotties,introducing our penultimate program.In just a few minutes, we... [查看全文]

2012-06-15CNN news:美国毕业生需求变革 奥巴马总统为迟到学生出具官方缺席申请

Our next report today is from Cynthia Lee with affiliate KABB in Texas. It's about a hi... [查看全文]

2012-06-15CNN news:埃及前总统穆巴拉克被判终身监禁引发抗议

And we are off and running. A big thanks to Mr. Bechsel's class for helping us kick of... [查看全文]

2012-06-15CNN news:叙利亚暴力屠杀事件使局势更加动荡

We hope it's "plane" to see how much we enjoy your iReport introductions. I am Carl Azu... [查看全文]

2012-06-15CNN news:纽约地铁启动造价不菲扩建工程

New York City is in the process of making that subway system even bigger. It's adding a... [查看全文]

2012-06-14CNN news:美国联邦调查局调查涉及国家安全机密信息的泄漏

Here it is, our last show of the school year.We want to thank those students in Illinois f... [查看全文]

2012-06-11CNN news:纽约计划禁止销售大容量的含糖饮料

And today, for about seven hours, Venus will be passing in front of the sun, at least from... [查看全文]